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Posts posted by grimreap

  1. Well lets see..you responded to it, so I guess you took it as referring to yourself..perhaps?

    1. Keep my name out of your mouth...

    2. I Dont own a Baby girl

    3.Who cares about all those abuke hacks.. only people that see that shit is people on 12oz

    4. Paint something for the people

    5. State your name...I need some motivation

    6. Bump abukes dirty shoes


    Ok i got a request.....

    Who has that sick ass trane HNR gas mask photo?

    whoever posts it first

    I will reward with a half can of some "diarrhea brown" montana gold


    That list looks well thought out.

    you still have no artistic talent.

  2. someones alil paranoid lol..

    I like LCM graff does that mean I'm in their crew now?!? OMG I've always wanted to be in LCM

    ima go tell my brother about this.

    am I in BNT or ESD too because I like their graff too... ohhhh eeeem. geeee! !


    first quit talkin like a teenage girl.

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