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Posts posted by 12packprophet

  1. Re: My girlfriend is being a fucking cunt


    So here's what happened. She is a Caps fan, I am a Bruins fan. Obviously they beat us in the playoff series. I enjoy watching the caps win, no big deal, I don't make a huge deal about sports I just like watching hockey. I get off work (a tough day) she's all happy and Im all tired, she has been home from her job for 2 1/2 hours. I just walked in. She's bubbly and chipper and I just want to lay down and read some shit online about an ex professional motorcycle thief who's giving advice on reddit on how to secure your bike blah blah blah. her: "Baby lets go watch the caps game at the bar!" me: "eh, I could stand to loaf around the house for another hour or two, maybe I'll meet you there and get some food." her: "but I never wanna go out and your always trying to get me outta the house." me: "ok, I'll go. give me just a few minutes to decompress"......

    At the bar Im still kinda not wanting to be there but Im playing along, all her hockey friends are there. All dudes, mostly my friends as well. Married guys, good friends, etc etc, not threatening in an "I'll steal your girl manner at all," its chill. First period ends, they go outside to smoke. Im writing an email then I go outside. "Hey Kaiser your girl wanted to know if she could get a pass from you if she was able to fuck Brooks Laich!" Me: kinda irked but not reacting "yeah as long as I can tape it and put it on the internet to ruin her life." Harharhar. They go back in and she does not like this one bit. We watch the game and on the ride home she's all like "youre cranky as hell fuck you" and Im like "look you sent one of your guy friends out to ask me if you could fuck another man, can't you see how I wouldn't find that funny considering your keen enough to realize that Im not in a good mood?" and then the bitch switch ensues...... I just eat it for the ride home and don't say shit, we get home and she gets in the living room to watch the final period while I go upstairs like a bitch to do some work on the computer. She comes up there and starts bitching at me, Im just trying to watch dumb tv and fuck off with my work for a bit. All the sudden she decides its time for her to go to bed and tells me to turn off the tv, the lights, and go work downstairs. Thats when I turned on some Baroness, and flipped the TV back on and decided I was gonna be a real asshole for a few minutes. Then I posted this stupid thing and went downstairs.




    Sounds like you're the one who was being a cunt.


    Gonna have to side with the chica on this one, bro.

  2. Anybody not from Philly probably has no fucking clue how legendary this guy was.

    I am far from alone in telling you people that I write graffiti because of RAZZ LAW1.

    My earliest memories of graffiti are riding the train with my grandmother when I was like 5 or 6 and her pointing out the window and saying "look at the pretty graffiti!".

    The only names that I was able to register around that time was RAZZ and Mr. Blint.

    From then on I saw RAZZ every fucking where.

    I saw a lot of other heads up too, but to me RAZZ was the most dominant.

    Probably half cause I couldn't read most of the other shit, and half cause he really was that fucking up.

    For decades.


    I never got a chance to tell oldhead that he inspired me to write graffiti, cause every time I ever talked to him he would always pull that oldhead clowning shit talking bout "what you write? How do you spell that?" shit like he never heard of me.


    It's all good though.


    RIP to a REAL Philly legend.


    Mostly stolen pics from silentwrytes.com









  3. It's a fucking pattern with you:


    pretty wild story, but sounds like the dude did something pretty stupid and now he's dead. i believe the cops/witnesses that say he reached for something when ordered to put his hands up, because it makes no sense for cops to kill someone without that reason in front of that many witnesses.
  4. And you're a cock sucking Republican:


    no, really, i want one of these people suggesting that the rich essentially take up the majority and burden of tax paying for the rest of the middle/poor class (since you're obviously very financially wise yourselves) to explain to me what incentive would be left for ANYONE to strive towards financial success or higher standard of living (which eventually would just stop existing) if you're just gonna have to take care the rest of the country on your fuckin dime anyway? THE WEALTHIEST ALREADY PAY THE MOST IN TAXES YA FUCKS.
  5. haha what? no. that's not me. contrary to popular belief on this board im not a cop at all. i manage a god damn restaurant. i just don't really sympathize with people that easily. okay, so two cops rush this dude and beat him up for no reason, yes, that'd be fucked up. but i can't see shit happening in the video anyway.




    Pussy stop lying!!!


    You got called out for being VS multiple times you lying sack of shit. :lol:

  6. The entire story was clearly geared towards defending the Lesbian officer.


    Crazy/emotionall disturbed - neither are actual things. You call it the 'crazy house' but people have schizophrenia, bi-polar, dementia, REAL things. Crazy is not a real thing, it's more of an opinion. I'm sure people have referred to you and I as crazy at a few points in our lives.


    Either way, there's not enough back story details or enough footage for me to comment further.


    Crazy is a real thing. It's a real blanket term for any of the people you just mentioned.


    Just like retarded is a blanket term for slow people, brain damaged people who drool on themselves after getting hit in the head with a bat, cerebral palsy people, and people with downs syndrome.


    Don't be mad just cause you're crazy bro.

  7. if the dude did just get a random beating and this cop who tried to stop it is getting fired/suspended, then yeah...that's fucked up. now what? there's plenty of cops who get awards for not using lethal force when they SHOULD have, and i know dudes who have gotten awards like that. in other words, i don't think this chick cop absolutely did the right thing, and you can't see shit from the video.


    proceed with the negs.



    Oh shit... I was just about to make a joke about "you = cop", but then I took a second look at your screen name and realized that you're the dickhead who's already been put on blast numerous times for being a cop IRL. :lol:


    Get shot, faggot.

  8. i really don't like or care much about videos like what you posted in this thread. i can't see anything but the guy getting tackled, and i barely see punches being thrown. most "emotionally disturbed" people would know they are gonna get fucked up if they act hostile in a situation like that. sounds to me like you're sympathizing a bit too much with a random crazy dude and a couple overly emotional/nurturing bitches on a news station.



    The fucking cop who intervened said herself that the kid didn't even have a chance to "act hostile", that the other pigs just jumped out the whip and tackled the kid and whopped his ass.

    You'd have seen her say that yourself had you actually watched the fucking video that you're commenting on you fucking retard.

  9. more people have guns/handgun permits now than ever before, and gun support is higher now than ever before. i think that dude mentioning tougher policing as a result of more people having guns is kindof interesting, because usually more people with guns should = less actual police intervention, you would think. crazies will get guns either way, and the general law abiding public will do what they can to keep up with psychos if they care about defense.


    That's because ever since Reagan got shot you need to pass a background check, register your guns and a permit to carry.

    Before that anybody could just buy a gun the same as you walk into a sporting goods store and buy a baseball bat, and most people did.

    Shit, vets used to come home from war with their guns that they did battle with.

    My grandpop had both his and his fathers guns from both world wars in his basement closet along side all the rest of his guns that he needed no permit nor background check to buy.

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