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Posts posted by geargff

  1. just found a chainsaw beheading online.... u really CAN find everything....i thought august undergound mordom was bad, and that had some rough shit to watch..


    I've seen some sites to hire hitmen, and once even a site where some guy calls a hostage bomb threat from a location you choose.. the internet really does have everything, if you look hard enough :lol: :lol:

  2. 7117160055_72270df56d.jpg



    Crits... and if someone can do a rough outline or something it'd appreciate. Especially throwie


    KER good, keep it simple, keep practicing, and you'll develop. I'm not too great at all but I feel myself develop since when I started. You probably are, but if you don't use bars to form letters use them. (When I got that tip my letters went from down syndrome imperfections to halfway decent.

  3. Anyone in CT who's got a moment to fight pharmaceutical monopoly and ending the drug war,

    email the following opponents of medical MJ bill. You can copy and paste and just send one email.


    Cassano@senatedems.ct.gov, Leonard.Fasano@cga.ct.gov, Hartley@senatedems.ct.gov, Robert.Kane@cga.ct.gov, Kevin.Kelly@cga.ct.gov, Joe.Markley@cga.ct.gov, Slossberg@senatedems.ct.gov, Leonard.Suzio@cga.ct.gov, Williams@senatedems.ct.gov, Kevin.Witkos@cga.ct.gov


    shitty flick to make this halfway relevant


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