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Everything posted by geargff

  1. geargff

    Yard Safety

    whats up y'all, i love this thread and have learned alot. I wanna hit up the local yard but I'm more interested in benching. My yard is like 3-5 tracks wide, goes for quite a bit. Whats the deal with benching? should I just stay out of the yard (probably gonna be daylight) IS there any prospective legal trouble with benching? Any general tips for benching? thanks y'all, i'm kida drunk so i hope this makes sense if any of the wise dudes wanna pm me i can show you the google map for the yard, it'd make it easier to help find out whats up
  2. FIB must have some circumstance that puts him in the most odd places, the man is all over the place, you can see him in the most backwards towns. Any flicks?
  3. rob people of stickers or kwote
  4. Hahaha pretending to be a slug- Hood act or sexy fetish????
  5. http://www.12ozprophet.com/index.php/news/interview-kwote-hrv kwote keep it up, i love rolling by a new fill
  6. Cannot Edit my post for some reason, sorry.
  7. HUMR, go blast that shit on some bridge, freshhhh
  8. geargff


    help a nigga out on this
  9. crits please Centurysams looking good
  10. Is that shit real??? what came out of that?
  11. I think I'd freak the fuk out on acid there :D :D Very cool flicks tho
  12. anyone got flicks of whatscurrently running at this spot?
  13. What I mean is the dude up? I see him sometimes at this local spot thats always getting fucked up by highschool kids, I was just wondering if he's actually up
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