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n30n b0n35

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Everything posted by n30n b0n35

  1. thanks guys, felt like i made a bit of a break through over the last few days so i will keep on pumpin out the simples!
  2. Just catching up on posts since a little xmas break... Shit was cracking me up lol. There is some great work mixed in with some questionable content but whateva. If your not coming here to learn then what the fuck do you want exactly?? Some lame balance on that 2nd page but you know... it was xmas lol. Crits always welcome.
  3. Ok, simples. A few questions tho. Should i start tweaking letter shapes yet?? Also, should i stick with one word or keep changing them up like i have been? also also: joined up, overlapping or seperate? Probly all really dumb questions... :o
  4. Thx phere, workin on it. Everything on your last page is killer btw, Great inspiration seeing such tight simples.
  5. As usual, all advice welcome.
  6. Liking the square one on the second page AWZK. keep it going!
  7. What i been up to today. Keep on with this simple??
  8. Ye my tag says "kairu" an its pretty bogus these days... Cheers guys, will simplyfy. I think it was a leftover from when i thought i knew what i was doing lol.
  9. This is my simple entry for the toy battle thread, pointers anyone? Crits dont crop up too much in the battle thread.
  10. Im not particularly feeling any of these... Im losing it with these simples lol, Advice plz -__-
  11. I like it Radar, its clean and simple.
  12. More NOE. About as simple as i think i can get.
  13. Working some new letters again, keeping it simple. Should i keep it more simple?
  14. ^^^^ dayum thats nice. Generally i go by KAIRU but im just workin the letters to experiment with balance etc.
  15. First post here. Let me know what you think.
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