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Ome Depot

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Everything posted by Ome Depot

  1. excluding jeg's posts (jeg, your getting those funky fills on lock!) i believe this represents what happened to this thread so... here some shit to make it better(maybe). and one from summer @mcnasty, i hate to be that guy but can you please chill with all of the nonsense comments? it is honestly bringing down this thread. maybe you shouldnt comment unless you are going to post flix with it in the same post. You trying to make klan have a bigger rep on here isn't fooling anyone because at the end of the day, we look at his work, not silly stories and all of that nonsense. Take what i said however you want to but at the end of the day, i'm sure the majority of people that actually follow the ct threads agree with me. @booty swet, hatersgunnahate.jpg
  2. some estilo-mock shit would be a good combo
  3. that rem with 1996 spelled out in exclamation and question marks (am i right?)
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0 its friday...
  5. Rage 3 better watch out, RageOner is getting up... Oh, how I make myself laugh.
  6. rlax n tik is always pleasing to see
  7. http://www.thedailynorwalk.com/news/stamford-man-tasered-twice-arrested-0
  8. Kesa was the official Coffeemaker of America from 2000 to 2010. However, the methods used may be considered unethical because of the use of a towel, ironing board, and iron. But, the methods work and will remain in the record books for years to come. Gangsters. Appreciate. Coffee. and sometimes a 40 or some menthols.
  9. Graffiti Photos > Brick Slayers > Connect-i-cut.
  10. for ma man jelosy, i shud stop fuckin with 3d and keep them fat outlines
  11. "Got put down with IOF and quit the next day.. Guess he reached his goal.. lol" <- Lord Belroc said this in 2007
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