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Posts posted by bigdoughnut69

  1. whitesoxlogo2.png

    Today starts the three game Crosstown Classic between my

    White Sox and the scrubs. Should be a bloodbath

    in the parking lot, stands, and also on the field.


    We got the Presedential approval. Man he needs a new fitted.



    95% of "cub" fans can't tell you who starts for their team. Worst fan base.

  2. bosoxstats.jpg

    Red Sox offense is on Fire. Blowin people out.

    Surprised the Yankees are having such a hard time

    with the scrubs. cubs will go back to playing shitty

    tomorrow against my team.

    As I was typing, scrubs give up a 3 run shot by Swisher.

    Then a fielding error at first base from a throw by the

    short stop. scrub's fundamental baseball ability is

    a joke.

  3. Pierzynski has the worst fucking arm ever. 3 steals by Michael Cuddyer in one game. haaaaa.


    Yeah, I agree. AJ's arm sucks. If you got someone with speed, run on him all day.

    Downside of keeping him around but he is one of the smartest heads in baseball.

  4. I tend bar in Wrigleyville and after this Brewers series is over

    the Yankees come into town for the first time in 90+ years.

    Should be rediculous by the park. Then it's my Sox vs scrubs

    Crosstown Classic. I'll have my camera ready. Should be a ton of

    fights and a lot of girls.

  5. All the cooks (aka Mexicans) in the resturaunt I'm currently working at are off this 'strawberry' yay. It's light pink. I don't do powders that often but had some offered up a couple weeks ago, bueno!




    All that is, is some kind of flavoring added to cocaine.

    So, you are getting ripped off paying for additive.

    Shit makes me laugh th0

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