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Everything posted by MANOFDANIGHT

  1. Yea thats it! i just started yesterday i want a cool tagger name that no one has....i was thinking king or maybe ace or joker.....are those any ones tagger names? if not which do you like best?
  2. Im not a cop but what do you guys write? :)
  3. no one wants to get caught.....so when it happens you bitch
  4. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. if you got a problem with me let it be known.....if not shut the fuck up fag
  6. wat the fuck is this...looks cool
  7. SWITCH YOU NAME KIDDOS...... bump ewok ultra cost revs
  8. no.....he took the elevator
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