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Persian Rug$

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Posts posted by Persian Rug$

  1. i knew someone who's daughter's husband was the brother of the the guy who started it with his wife.

    fun fact,

    they actually started the whole thing in their garage or basement, doing everything by themselves, with the help of some family members I'm sure.

    Their stuff is overpriced, like any hip brand these days. some of it is alright, they do some nice collabs.

    i got a free shirt at a skate contest a couple years ago they did with nike here. I remember kids fighting over them. shit was ridiculous.

  2. I recently started going to the gym. Unfortunately, i cant make it on a regular basis. So whenever i don't go, i hit up the pull-up bar in the back. Is there any other exercise i could do that would so to speak combine well with this?

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