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Everything posted by mynameisfun

  1. i'll make shure to pick that up for your moms
  2. no you are more gay than him, you make ellen degenerous look strait
  3. being from NEW JERSEY, this only happens when people from NEW YORK go there get all loaded and get roid rage. i live down the street from that girl sam and no one likes her, she is a stcuk up cunt. television is very mis-leading, but yes new jersey is as terrible as you think.
  4. you're the 50yr old homeless trany with shit stains
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDa44AMI0Ak "BROTHA'S DON'T SURF"
  6. cheif is right rusto is better, but there are places that carry montana in nj. like some rinky dink art shop in shrewsbury called colorest, KNOWLEDGE!
  7. get out yo damn car, aint worth the four fruity dudes for the iddiy biddy handstyle.
  8. patches101 is actually the class he teaches at community college
  9. given to you by the iron chef of CAPS LOCK
  10. yo patches i don't think you have room to talk bout welfare when your name is patches
  11. your mother was a hampster and your father smelled of elder berries
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVWRXZWGzzI<--for joe
  13. yo dopey its a quote from waiting... not my fault you sold your tv.:lol:
  14. How many time have I told you? My name is T-Dog, bitch! :lol:
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