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Everything posted by TheICES

  1. Bump that Shogun... Props to High Crue for an awesome night in New Haven.
  2. BUMP the fuck outta that train...what a fresh looking freight!
  3. CT Thread has way to much drama..... .....stickers and tags?
  4. Wow what an awful story. Much respect to MUNIK a true player in the game. What is even more awful is the comments after that article and the fucking POLICE. FUCK that old cop in his SUV, lazy piece of shit. RIP MUNIK
  5. BUMP this....shit is massive
  6. BUMP tha hell out of PH, Seize, and the rest of the STM troops.
  7. WOW, the VT thread is really hurtin', I know cats are getting up in the 802.
  8. BUMP this in the streets.... yea dats right.... STM holding it down here in CT...
  9. is FBR racist? they seem to favor the black.......
  10. I am a yellow man. I apologize for lerch's ethnicity.
  11. I hate you kwote, you are too young and pushing positive art on elder people that need it.
  12. You know ma dude lerch??????? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-tVvjVi2m8 Table smashing hood-kid This truck will be running in the streets on some no fragile shit......
  13. It was gorgeous 2day...... who painted?
  14. TheICES


    looking nice!! y'all got some good ish' down thur'.
  15. BUMP that Rels Din and the Fat ass....
  16. This cat is so hot and bothered to meet up with kid..... If I were that angry with anyone I would not be on 12oz running my mouth, I would be at the persons house... Punks jump up and get beatdown...
  17. STM 4 life. Most of them cats are gone. I was visiting up there a few weeks ago and held it down.....
  18. P.S. That REO and RAGE scroll wall was amazing to see evolve throughout the day! Mad Props!
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