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Posts posted by ImChristeezy

  1. I got a call last night, Audi sales wanted to interview me to be a receptionist. I was soo excited. I rarely get a call for an interview.. well its an hour before Im suppose to be there and they just called and told me they just hired somebody for the spot I was going for.


    I am soo pissed. seriously.

  2. ^ proud that some people can keep up a good work out. Im on day 3 of that insanity workout and im literally wattling around because my calfs hurt so fucking bad. im going to get back to it this evening after i rest but I wont be over doing it because I have a job interview tomorrow.


    Maybe if I go down to the pool today you think I can relax my legs out in there? Its pretty warm, on top of the 95 degree weather we are having. Or would a hot bath be better? I need to be able to not be sore and keep this going.. because soreness has definitely stopped me in the passed from continuing my workout.

  3. Im just doing the insanity right now but there is a golds gym down the road and its only 20 bucks a month, I htink Ill go check it out and do the free 7day pass thing. But Im in pain right now from doing that shit for the last two days so im taking a break till tomorrow.


    I may be having to get a job out your way btw

  4. DSC01127.jpg


    waiting for this bitch to ring.


    I had an interview with Mr. Pickles yesterday, and I felt like it went well, they should be calling soon.




    This never happened. So I feel like a complete loser. That interview went great, guess I was wrong.


    Back on Craigslist to find a job...

  5. Can't do squats.



    why not? not even up against a wall? I hate them but love what they do in return..




    Ive never been fat either but ive definitely gotten to a weight and look that I will not accept. It wont take long to get back into shape but im not only looking to lose weight and tone up, I want to be healthy again. I got lost in beer pong games every night and bad junk food habbits at 3am for the longest and I know my body hates me for that. I want to be able to wake up and feel good about everything around including my body.



    Im dying from that shit last night though, today.

  6. That sounds like a good work out. I can only do lady push ups right now but Ive never really worked my arms out so Im weak. Im mostly working on my legs and tummy to make sure it all stays firm, im 24 now, feel like i can lose my body a lot easier than when i was in HS.


    Im pretty sure ill get tired of this insane work out but im going to do it until i see results, then if I feel good about them, ill continue. If its not good enough, ill move onto something better... But im pretty sure this will work for now.

  7. Soo I recently started working out again, and im always looking for new ways to get fit..


    I found this video + others on tumblr and started it tonight. It seriously fucking killed me and im not even done yet tonight.




    Its the Insanity workout -



    I stopped quite a few times in between and almost blew chunks at one point (heard thats good for you though) But drank lots of water before and during and will continue to do this everyday plus some. I think anybody who wants to lose weight or just get in shape so its not so hard to wall up hill should try this out. It will kick your ass but youll feel great afterwards :)

    here is some other things youll want to add onto your workout if youre serious about all of this, plus make sure you always STRETCH before you start this!



    Get on a routine!


    50 crunches


    50 side crunches *per side


    50 reverse crunches


    50 leg raises(for lower abs)


    50 sit ups


    50 bicycle crunches


    30 tricep dips


    30 pushups


    20 lunges


    20 squats





    I know theres more workout threads on here, but this ones mine!

  8. My life for the past 3-4 weeks have consisted of -mainly- waking up, checking e-mail, checking jobs and applying on craigslist or indeed.com... going to interviews if got lucky enough for one and not being called back.


    Ive worked at casinos for the passed 5 years so thats all people see me as, nobody will hire me. I dont understand how small places wont hire you as a server or host or even dish washer because you dont have the experience? How do you get the experience if nobody will train you because you have none?


    Just like credit cards, you have no credit, you cant have a credit card, well then how will I gain credit?



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  9. yea i do that almost everyday too, maybe its cuz our eating schedule is so fucked that its become routine. dont eat all day then rape the kitchen at night




    Yeah, plus right now the only things in my kitchen would be hot dogs, a few personal pizzas and about 15 burritos you would only really cook in the microwave. I dont have any desire to eat shit like that so I just dont eat.


    I just swallowed my metal tongue ring yesterday morning so I need to eat, I still feel it from when it was in my chest area. It was painful, and I need it out :)

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