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Posts posted by yetsio

  1. 30571_1447137303386_1381787562_3120.jpg

    for my friend meechie


    E's are one of the easiest letters, you really should just do real ones. It'll look so much better. This is like the third time I've seen you do this, and I log on once every few weeks.

  2. 3-vi.jpgwell heres the i did for u servicecamp.....



    just fuck with the o, and the middle bar of the a. like, on the middle bar, dont have it go over/under the legs.

    if that makes sense..

    i cant word anything right right now

  3. thanks man. been looking for some real crits on that throw, that was my first of that style pretty much. and im down with the kema throw, except i fucked up the right leg of the a.


    and as for you kuzo, you need to go simple. do shit like keyboard letters or my simples up above for a while. make sure you use bars and keep them the same width and all the letters the same height

  4. he asked the threads, i posted one.

    only reason i bumped it so much was because of different page and the second one was my bad.

    driver, 2 out of 3 are wrong. wont quit writing in the next few months. and i dont bite. i do suck. i know that one

    im done.



    fast piece for a battle.

    it was a throwie battle :(


    i suck at fills

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