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Posts posted by yetsio

  1. eons, all your posts look exactly alike. and that little O doesn't help anything.

    that yoka looks clean.

    I'm pretty sure that this,


    which is the last thing I posted on this forum, and this


    are not exactly alike.

    Similar, yes, but that's cause it's the same name and a similar style..

    Anyway, any real crits on the pen freestyle?

  2. Newt, your structures off. The E and W, the bars are bad. You see how on your N, the | bar and \ bar come out of the same place, where they overlap perfectly? The bottom of your E, and the bars on your W, and the bottom of your N have to do the same.


    On the last page, the only good thing is the Road piece.

    Ome, do simples. Polyp, work on your throws a lot.



    Pen freebie for a battle on AMA. The N is too fat and the extension going into the middle is wack, but I'll fix that when I sketch it out. The bottom of the S is weird, too much dead space, but again, I'll fix it when I sketch it out. Few other small problems I need to fix. I think it has some potential.

  3. You're obviously fucking blind if you think that I don't understand structure.

    Please, show me something that is structurally wrong in any of my pieces. I'm not great when it comes to graff, but I know where I stand.

    I can do simples flawlessly. I fully understand how to structure letters. So you sir, may fuck off.



    I just went through your posts. You can't even do a good fucking simple


    What the fuck is that shit

  4. Kilo, one bad thing about the majority of the letters is that none of the bars are really connected, but I'm assuming that you're going to do something about that eventually...If not, you should.


    A - The middle bar is awkward. Too thick I think. The top of the A seems too thin. The two bottom extensions is weird.

    B - Theres something about the top left of the B...I don't know what though. Besides that, I really like it.

    C - There's too much empty space. Try making the bottom bar a little longer, and have it come back up. Also, do one of those kick up things on the top...If you know what I mean

    D - Love it. Maybe make the top right just a wee bit thicker.

    E - <3

    F - Just clean it up and it's illy

    G - I wouldn't have the middle bar go through to the left side of it. Also, make the bar that goes from the bottom of the backbone to the middle bar thicker.

    H - Pretty sick. Make the top right a wee bit thicker too.

    I - Rework it...

    J - Take away the bits, and maybe just make the whole letter a little wider.

    K - Almost awesome. Make the bar from the upper right bar to the middle bar a little thicker. Maybe make the backbone a little thinner. Also, try adding an extension off the bottom left of the backbone.

    L - Maybe make the bottom a little thicker.

    M - It feels too cramped.

    N -I like it. Maybe add a small extension to the left off the bottom of the backbone.

    O - It's shaped kinda weird. Maybe try reworking it.

    P - Dope. Again, maybe an extension to the left off the bottom of the backbone.

    Q - Sick. Make the crossover thing a little thicker maybe.

    R - The top feels a little too thick and cramped. Also, try the same extension off the bottom left of the backbone.

    S - I'd say rework it to make it work with the rest of the style. Like, I like it, it's just really different from all of the other letters.

    T - Really weird. Try reworking it.

    U - Awkward and small...Try widening up the entire letter and making the bottom bar thicker.

    V - I dig it.

    W - Make the bars from the bottom to the middle bar thicker, and it'll be ill.

    X - One of the best X's I've seen. Just maybe try making the top right a little further to the right.

    Y - Doesn't really look like a Y...Might just be because the middle bar isn't actually connected anywhere. It almost resembles a K right now. And redo the bottom. Make it thicker and more slanted

    Z - Try doing the bottom right like the bottom right of the L.


    Just my 2 cents. Take it, leave it, take some, it's whatever. I like your style. Got any own name pieces to post? I've probably seen some, just haven't noticed.

    Good job on this shit though man.



    Amef - Fix the M and A, and clean everything up.


    Aspek, keep the middle bars of all of your letters on the same level.


    Sunk and Jeg, keyboard letters. Please and thank you.


    Radar, dopeness. Keep it up.



    Can I get some crits, and also some ideas as to what to do for a background?

  5. tweakin zorb ideas, pink crayon for the daughter ha.... crits?

    (i know the balance needs work)



    Completely redo the Z. Fix the O, it looks kinda like a lower case e. do the middle and top of the R like the B. Keep the B

    My 2 cents.

  6. Yeah, that N is fucked. but besides that, the structure is still on, unless I'm blind..

    I sketched a better N in the sketch I recently started. So whenever I get around to inking that I'll post up.


    Aspek, work on your flow and watch the widths of your letters. They vary way too much.


    Anef? Do simples....

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