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Posts posted by yetsio

  1. 6183142071_a63a0c6976_z.jpg



    All work in progresses. First one was just started. Second just needs finishing touches. Third just needs a lower case e instead of upper.

    First two are art class projects, second is based off Banksy, third is a t design.

  2. Eido, that I came I saw I conquered joint is dope, although I feel like your condensing the bottom half of the E into too small of a space. Make the top a bit smaller, and the bottom bigger, and it'll make it a lot better. The IDO is dope though. Keep it up homie!




    basically fucking around on the second.



  3. Eido, that I came I saw I conquered joint is dope, although I feel like your condensing the bottom half of the E into too small of a space. Make the top a bit smaller, and the bottom bigger, and it'll make it a lot better. The IDO is dope though. Keep it up homie!




    basically fucking around on the second.

  4. DAHR, your shit reminds me of Dahm so much, but in a good way, I think. Dahm is beyond dope, and it doesn't look like a bite really, so it's a good thing I think. I'm not too sure. Either way, good shit..

  5. is that drake :lol:


    Ew fuck no.


    And Sheen, I used to just use the ultra fine DecoColor whites, but the places around me stopped carrying decos, so I've been using that Pen Touch white. It's good, but you might have to go over it like twice for some colors, like black.



    S is laacking...


    Eido, your structures slacking in some parts.

  6. Old, but whatever


    First piece in a while...



    Eido, not bad, but the k and w on that skwid piece are lacking.

    Shen, keep up the simples, theyre looking good. When you do cracks, use a thinner marker, and don't fully connect all the lines. Get a thin white paint pen for high lights too man.

    StayPosi, that cursive shit is pretty nice, keep it up. The only thing is, the K on the Kade is bad. Try to rework that, and it'd be good.

    Fax, that shit is wack.

    Gems, watch your widths, and fix that R.

    • Like 1
  7. Here's my scorecard:



    Outline: Jamak, smoother flow and better balance


    Colours: Jamak, brighter and don't overpower the visibility of the letters themselves. Don't like the arrows, though.


    Fill: Pesk, neither piece has the kind of fill that I really go for but that orangey-fire with lightening on Pesk's piece is wicked


    3D: Pesk, really fucking tight but also really let down with the lack of contrasting colours on the letters


    Background/Bubbles: Jamak, by a mile. Those bubbles/clouds are fucking sweet


    Overall: Jamak, just has better flow, colours and balance.


    Jamak has it in my eyes.




    Just my opinion, both pieces blow away anything I could do

    I find it funny how you don't have the letters as part of the scoreboard...

  8. TRADE is the word

    one week from today, full color

    post them so we can see what you are really made of.


    If we're battling cause me and wretch called him out on having wack letters, shouldn't it be black and white? No fancy shit to distract people from the actual structure of the letters?


    I say, black outline, no fill, solid (or none) 3d/drop shadow.

    That way the LETTERS get judged.

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