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Posts posted by JamesJiggy

  1. whats the deal wilth the whole.. NOT STOLEN shit


    who the fuck cares.. pictures of graffiti are not difficult to take..anybody can do it.. point and shoot..

    you cant care about a picture of somebody elses shit. they did it. the photographer is just pretty much copying what they did on flim. its almost like stealing. but its cool. we like it. people who take pictures of graffiti have no right to get pissed cus somebody posts a picture they took, it aint their art.. or whatever graffiti is.. its nobody's. GO "steal" all the pics you want.. and dont trip.. and if you do trip.. yo a sucka.. graffiti is for the public.. it cant be copy written. you cant take pride in your pictures of other peoples graffiti.. your just the messenger.. who cares who takes the pictures..

    just post the pictures.. shit.


    For reals!

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