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white pony

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Everything posted by white pony

  1. in college and have a dope job i still take the time to hit a few sopts erry once in awhile and trains when the right people are near
  2. this one time i parked in this abandon ass building broken down old building, that me and my boy thought no normal person is in there especially 4 in the morning so we get out and as were walking to this spot i hit a hollow on this store front and i hear this voice yell hey what the fuck so i glance and see this massive mullet ass mother fucker standing right next to our ride so i run around the corner take off my shit ut how normal can you look 4 am?? so pick up a bottle just in case and i walk up and dudes pulls out this shotgun and points it at me and yells get in the car and go, i was gone before he said go killed out night
  3. i thought it was illegal to even sell spraypaint in chi town
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