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Everything posted by mad_drips_dun

  1. I KNOW THE DRUNK WHO PAINTED IT. The opening scene with Freddy drawing that rose just kills me. I love his roses and am stoked to get to look at one on my wrist every day.
  2. As my wife posted on FB that day: "Tattoo convention and toddler pageant happening simultaneously. A lotta judgement being passed up in here."
  3. Mr. Nice Guy. Corbin is beyond cool, and I'm really happy to have work by him.
  4. Menace dropped his pants for me today. PROPS. Also saw the bols HK Wood and Kang of Hay-ull. Good folkers, all around. TooBrokeOner, or I'd have gotten zapped.
  5. Stuart Cripwell's client with the legs? This is his back.
  6. I don't believe in dragons, either, but they sure make cool tattoos.
  7. Chad Koeplinger: Man, I gotta get me a curly-bearded J-man at some point.
  8. Valerie Vargas (and a cover-up, at that): Fuuuuuuuuuuck.
  9. Is joke, yes? On the off-chance that it is not, there are also skillz involved in the shit that Nikko Hurt-Tattoo does, but ak, I'm not feelin' it.
  10. Super fucking awesome. I'll take that coffee pot and I won't even cover something with it.
  11. You dudes clearly don't live in SF. That's only two cups of coffee out here.
  12. You know how art shows go, though. You put a stupid high price on something you don't really wanna sell, but sometimes it does sell, and you end up with SEVEN THOUSAND AND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS in your pocket. Lehi told me that happened with another tiger painting he put in a NY show a few years back. "I didn't really wanna put it up for sale, so I priced it really high. Then it sold." Scott's "Some New Shit Has Come to Light" is fucking ridiculously awesome.
  13. Best shit I've seen in a while: the Black Heart SCAB FREE Art Show: http://www.spacegallerysf.com/
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