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Posts posted by supernummy

  1. ACCESS TO PORN[/size]


    Seriously though. When i was a runt you got porn one of three ways...


    1) You racked it (Pretty hard to do since we were all small and they were usually on the top racks of the newstands/bookstores/liquor store


    2) You got on your bike, rode to the local swap meet and found the booth with the cool old guy who would sell you a dog-eared copy of playboy and tell you "Yo momma gonna whup yo asses when she see whatchoo got! Eeee hee hee hee!"


    3) You got someone's older brother to buy a copy for you




    don't forget squigglevision (when you had cable, but those channels were blocked, so you had to sneak up at night hoping your parents were asleep, and you KINDA got em, but you had to really concentrate on them)


    so in school the teacher must say massta young


    Mu ex's cousin did that. Matter of fact he did that for the EXACT same reason. He also has a daughter named Pincess Fine. Fucking ghetto ass fucks.

  3. So because 50 made a retarded thread about going to ONE expensive restaurant, she is a food expert?




    You like foie gras? Try force feeding it yourself, then killing, then plucking, then gutting, then preparing it and see how much you still like it.


    Shit, I'd like to see how many of you would hang a pig upside down, slit its throat, skin it and would still eat pork after doing that.


    Done it. But then again, I was raised in the country. Gutting it is worse than skinning it. Fresh pork is better, especially wild pork.

  4. these series are all really dope to read






    I read that book years ago, and forgot what it was called and who it was by. I've been trying to figure it out for years as I thought it was fucking awesome. Thanks.

  5. sugar gliders are great until you end up with a couple that have all their bits and pieces. My husband had two, one got away, so he bought more because they'll die if they don't contantly have someone around them. then the one came back so we had 2 males and two females. They bred. Did you know that sugar gliders breed every fucking 3 months? And always have two? we ended up with 12, and they smelled funny and they wouldnt fucking shut up at night, so we split em into pairs and sold em,

  6. I love meat. I also love cooking for my husband who is an forced almost-vegetarian (he can still eat fish and seafood) because of health reasons. It got to the point that if he ate meat, he would be vomiting for days so forcefully that he's break blood vessels in his face, which is disturning to say the least. I have not only lost a good amount of body fat, as has he, but I feel better, and don't get as tired as I used to, which is great for someone that has to get up at 6 am to get kids to school, goes in to work at noon, and doesn't get off work until somewhere between 11-1 am. Vegetarianism is great, if you make sure you get your protiens. And I have also discovered that avacados are fucking amazing. You can pretty much live off of them.

  7. One of the reasons for stupid grammar mistakes, poor punctuation, and such is that teachers aren't even bothering anymore. My boss' wife is a teacher, and it pisses her off to no end that other teachers at the school she works at don't demerit students for grammatical errors anymore. As long as they get the IDEA of the lesson, they're fine. Fuck that. They're teachers. They need to teach. History teeachers are letting kids turn in papers written in text speak beacause they aren't English teachers.

  8. Don't do that


    It makes you talk like a retard


    I don't believe any body mod that gives you a speech impediment is a good idea






    I have a couple friends with split tounges. had no clue until they showed me. I've known one of the guys for a good 10 years, had no clue. he speaks completely normal.

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