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Everything posted by lowballer

  1. ^^^^^HAHAHAHA:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: HAHAHA ^^^^^ alright then, i'm audi. till next time keep bumpng port town
  2. nothing wrong with blocks, what i can't get with tho is when fools are just jocking crews or gangs that got nothing to do with them and not styles.
  3. what is this a threat or are you just looking for another excuse to show the good folks of 12ozprophet.com the meaning of busterismology? :confused: either way you can kiss my entire graffiti writin' ass!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. ^^^grad? maybe one day... its a sad state when premium members are "typing" on something they don't know shit about (i.e. gangster shit and me). but i'm over it.
  5. sheeeeit. i can't warn yall. dumbasses, i didn't say he had the right to or not to do a goddamn thing. i'm saying its corny how all are so quick to jock some shit that aint a candle in the sun. you gonna post all the other mother fuckers doing blocks out the joint too. i guess by seeing this yall are hoping a lil of that gangster shit might rub off on you, huh? leme guess cause you put this up here for YOUR "nigga" trigz that YOU just happen to know from toonerville. oh dude my bad you are just some undercover locs turned graff writers, keep working on yer blocks homies!
  6. yeah bro i just saw a teen angel for the first time. soooooo hardcore gangster dude. look at my dope LA gangster blocks. ^^^^this shit is low-powered and unfunky^^^^ and don't hit me with that "hey that guys like soooo hardcore man what your mouth" shit cuase i'm not hearing it. BE GOOD, OR BE GOOD AT IT mother fuckers!
  7. whatta mean dog? i'm doing my part too! hahahAhahaha
  8. GHS use to be an old masonic labor temple after hours. thats part the reason they were able to get all masonry work done to it for the remodel. serious shit. HLK for life! everyone else is just a cog in the gears of masonic fuckery
  9. lew loc, kid malvo, and nasty boy were down with IK too. thats why they all got toss outta school. see if you tilt the H 90 degrees, HLK becomes ILK or Illuminati Killers. lohs was the only souljer who could evade the inner cirlce. i'm pretty sure adek had similar problems too
  10. you see thats why i had a problem with him cuz i'm anti illuminati and in my star of david i only represented the upside down triangle or pyramid if you will within the star, as well as drawing an eye patch were the eye would normally be. but what got me in the most trouble was on all my assignments i dotted my i's with k's for illuminati killer. this was the only reason for the academic failure i endured in highschool, the teacher were in on it too. it was a rough time in my life
  11. three people on this thread brought him up fuctard! three's a crowd and it's call a conversation. did your momma teach a fucking thing. now quit with your goddamn belly aching and go do some graffiti you little rascal!
  12. You Cant Win i got let you know that your a little misinformed when it comes to dr walker. he was not a high level mason. dr (i know he's a dr. cuz he use his phd [playa hater degree that is] cred on me a few times) walker was a high level fag. he was just the guy the broke ass seattle public school district found when they were scrambling for another black principal for fucked up magnet school they didn't give a shit about aside from the advanced placement classes. do know why they wait till second semester to expel all their problem children? cuz the budget goes off of how many students are enroll at the end the first semester. no one respected that drunk idiot that struggled to form an modestly intelligent sentence, he never did shit, and his career was pitiful, so was his next two successors and their careers. fucking losers. i gotta admit good hustle tho just keep those AP classes producing some merit scholars every year get your pat on the back from the distict board, get your money, get your phony local political cred and fuck all them other little punk ass kids at the school In short dr walker is a worse human being than adolf hitler. bottom line.
  13. by art wussie i definatey not refering to bizie but all the imitators that came afterward. jungle had dope cursive styles back then too and i'm sure there were others but i was young and didn't take pictures back then
  14. self promo's played out too. also i think by the time jab had his cursive tags out all the art wussies in sf had been doing them for a few years. jab put in a lot of work at a time when not many others were and i respect that. not all cities developed their own look, like ny, la, philly, the bay an dc. though not to same extent i think at one point seattle's melting pot of graff history had produced its own look to it too. this died out in the mid to late nineties with btm splitting into ncs and 3a roughly and then fizzling out, people getting busted or moving on from graff and the new gen was still a bunch of toys. since then seattle's mean style has been bouncing around the latest trends of graffiti culture with few exceptions.
  15. oh yes and frame. i remember the competition vaguely. i don't think i woulda done too well though back then sneaking out the house was the hardest part about bombing.
  16. hey ALL i said was that the man was never known for his tags or throw ups, this may not be and issue for some people, heck it takes time and thought to have good tags and throwies/simple letters. i don't clearly recall the competition but anyway most of my shit pre 99 was absolutely hiddeous, you'd be better off looking directly in to the sun. as far as influence jab was an outspoken individual and you guys already know i can appreciate that (like when they clowing all those kuk dude up here) but when it comes to graff it'd be more like flair, lohs, smere, nasir, adek, smog, seed, def, and ern. i know it. and for the record i'm High on Life, K? IE was dope and so was Vandal bump power scribes, bump meanstreak tags on busses, bump Seattle one strokes
  17. on the real tho all that new kyt shit is dope, veks has always been rocking and rain's walls art hitting too. and bump that kyt jab did on an spd patrol car. don't stop trucking blinker!
  18. hear yee, hear yee. since we are giving it up for jabs let thy constituents of this humble thread also give it up for sir blinker who's works of visual bliss are also comparable. both of these two fine artist have bestowed amongst the the greater 206 metropolitan area a vast quantity of legal and illegal artwork with shearing intellect and grace. beauty is in the eye of the beholder and yet one could shoot an arrow in any direction of our fair land and not striketh one who's eye could deny the devine glory these two artistst have transcended upon the walls, bus stops and phone booths from the creator of the universe and all in it. let this day of november the 19th of the year 2009 from here on be known as "Jablink Day" in celebration of the mistic arts of the gods.
  19. yeah your right, on second inspection that tag right above your post is pretty sick. facts sho 'nuf in the flicks. and yake it easy buddy i never said jabberwocky didn't do his thang on the bombing tip.
  20. you know when you hear a song on the radio for like a three months straight and you can't help but to know the words and music cuz you heard it so many times, does that make the artist good? what about in graffiti? just food for thought you do the dishes
  21. by 90's you mean '98-ish, '99? and by belonged you mean as "had a lot of sub par tags and cheesy head throw-ups", right? piece were good tho. ok i'm picking up what you're throwing down. bump all those who the literal meaning of "90's" and "belonged" apply to, like sober, kse, def, adek, lokese, original btm, 2zc, dvs, puzl, veks, and oze to name a few
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