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Posts posted by ShyGuyLurking

  1. how about one way or the other he was paying respect. endpoint.


    ive done MJ, james brown, and IZ tributes and didnt know any of them you got problems with that too and everyone else that did? quit creatin your own rules of respect cause your pissed no one'll put you up like that.


    how about we're all doin the same thing so its only proper to pay respect to a fellow writer one may have been inspired by. it was one f-in tag anyway. was the homey bombin aves throwin up sace and his crew all over? no


    ps. i fuckin LOVE how you can find twenty diff handstyles on one philly wall. bump the east.

  2. knives are liabilities, bring that ghetto flamethrower, nobody is gonna try and step if you got that. and if they do-BBQ that motherfucker.


    rusto and a BIC all you need.


    if that dont work, FIGHT. you arent made of glass. if its multiple dudes tryin to jump you, pick only one of em and just get savage on him. AINT NO RULES IN FIGHTIN. make an example in a sick, violent way real fast since you can only fight so many people by yourself.

  3. so im watching masterminds on truTV, and it takes place in NY. there are JA tags and throws popping up a lot in the background.


    even better, its about a car theft group called the MSK Group..

  4. "... i would trade it all back for perfect health. every drop of glory, every drop of fame, every magazine i was ever in, every movie i was ever in. i would give it all back in a heartbeat---to have my health...." KING IZ.


    quite the powerful statement from the most powerful of painters.


    more important than all of the unbelievable pieces, bombs, tags, and stories such an epic individual can leave us with, are the lessons they never stopped trying to teach us.



  5. start with your basic appearance, and what you want the cop to assume from your image cause thats the first thing he goes off. i want the cop to think im some 'Suma cum laude' fucking grad student, not what i really am.


    i bomb in a collared button up shirt, and decent looking paint free pants. buttons ups are easily removed and can have multiple shirt changes under them, plus cops will hassle a decently dressed guy way less. No flatbills, cheap sports hats.


    speak properly, confidently, calmly. cops appreciate this. talk as little as absolutely possible, DONT SAY I DONT KNOW AND GIVE OPEN ENDED ANSWERS, JUST DONT ANSWER AT ALL. have a decent excuse for where you are or why you are headed in that direction, plan this prehand cause cops love that where you headed bullshit.


    YOUR GEAR: travel with your cans silenced so they cant hear them, use magnets. travel with CAPS OFF. use rubber gloves always. and fucking eh DONT CARRY YOUR BOOK WITH YOU---EVER. thats just stupid!


    I have a trap in the bottom of my bag that holds about three cans really well, but on top of all that i keep a copy of a tom brokaw book and some other intelligent looking materials like school books, ITS CALLED MISDIRECTION, and it usually works....

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