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Everything posted by ultrakgb

  1. so basically you are barking about some shit i didnt say and all of your "old school" facts are wrong. i get paid to do this shit and YOU MAD.
  2. >He was up enough in the nineties to be included in Clear's 'Free Agents' book. Where is your entry in that book?...that's right, there isn't one! lol wow. u are retarded. i was in the book. maybe you should read it. and that dont make svev any more up. he did all right, but who are you? oh i know. you mad. >I find it hilarious that a 50+ year old man is running around with a bunch of skater looking, tight pants wearing, unartistic teenage black punks that are probably his own kids. cant read AND cant add. far from 50. i got plenty kids and i know each one by name. can your dad say that? >Look at all your old school compatriots, they publish books, design cars in Japan, and get paid to do art. You are still running around like a crazy 3 year old w/ a box of crayons in art class...and you're 50! btw, i work full-time as an artist. ive painted in smithsonian and have solo shows coming. >I'll disrespect you to your face, in the streets, and on your walls, bitch! ATB...all day every day! ok. check w nore and moe and come get some. time and place? and remember you started this shit. all i did was point out that CAST's point was that you cant ask dude cuz he aint around no more... i dont give a fuck about dude, he was a bitch, anyway...
  3. anybody pm me and let me know who dbc is... thanks.
  4. barely knew who svev was.. he was hardly up... so you have less a name than him. wow, old man jokes... if i formed kgb in 1983 i must be older than you, never hid that fact. you mad cuz che, juju, aera are younger than you and have more ups? you mad that i still get up in my old age? or is it just you mad? and you'll be laughin out the other side of your head you ever disrespect me to my face... "lol" that.
  5. if i ever say "bump" something (shoot me) but this would be it, CAST... also DAH hit up in front of white house west wing when it had construction going on back in early 90's... dont know who was first... big ups H-BOMB (both CAST & DAH)
  6. yo, demon... "bow to me", "yungun", etc = The Cowardly Bombers crew if not the same bamma... dont even sweat that boondock-ass shit. they still havent come to see me even tho i put it out there over a year ago... i keep telling them get off dc's nuts and start yr own thread or do like other va cats and come into the city and bomb... of course nothing they put up will run more than a day...
  7. i forsee a day when someone starts GRAFFITI PHOTOS>BRICK SLAYERS>NOVA and all the toys who never leave mclean or whatever can post their idle daydreams of being KAYGEEBEE w/o me calling their faggot asses out. you know why? bcuz i never go to other cities' threads. i care about one place: fuckin' dodge city... u don't even come into my city, legal or otherwise... here's one from anacostia:
  8. one of the nephews has been texting w this number. seems theyre all upset about their dead fuckpal. lol... like we disrespected. never mentioned his fucked-up ass. anyway, "call me" smells funny to me... theyve known where im at for over a year and no ones walked up to me and said shit... if they do, they better be ready for what comes next... you know how i do.
  9. i wouldnt call this number for nothing. this could be alexandria police for all i know. fuck that.
  10. yeah, i noticed you were talking about banning me with yer crybaby ass, so i told u what i really think... i also noticed you have a habit of trying to ban people. wow, talking shit on the site is bad enough, but ban people who talk shit back? what a faggot.. btw, i am planning on coming to sf, bet you get real skerred when i come thru, fucking fag... my real sucker-free heads whassup! the rest will go out like bitches like last time i was there.
  11. che is on the streets running from the police. bent is in his backyard running from squirrels.
  12. no. i know exactly who bent is. kgb has had more than one toy runnin'. yes. founded 1983. there was no other graf crew at the time. so? ive painted freedom hall and train stations in nyc. but i dont go on the nyc thread and talk shit. i dont have beef w VA. i have beef w shit talkers and specifically w dark and bent for thinking its ok to go over cast fills. i know evade and felon and consider myself tight w cha (we've done a bunch of dirt together), even tho we havent talked in a minute. i know a million VA writers... even have several VA writers in the crew... but again this is a DC thread. if you are not painting in DC then get off... they suck. they dis people for no reason. they talk shit. they dont back it up. they're pussies. and they're dumb as shit.
  13. dear ghost, welcome to the forum, now shut the fuck up! dont know fant or snek. dont need to to. my squad has already got you bammas runnin' without ever mentioning any dead homies. btw i very publicly challenged bent over a year ago and he never took me up on it. he just shut up like when cast stepped to him. i aint hard to find. everyone knows who i am. i use my graf name as my login. i use my real name in my website etc. i know your name, everyone in yr weak-ass crew's name. i know your arrest history (tcb has a history of dunk driving, y'all) where some of you work, etc.. but my beef is that you dont come to DC, so why would i come to VA? all i gotta do is stay put and i won. i know yer boy died. i dont give a fuck one way or the other. my beef is with bent, dark and anyone else that goes against KGB. also, yes i'm old. but im up more than you. and getting up more all the time. maybe you should shut the fuck up. you might learn something. KGB is the oldest graf crew in dc. never lost a beef, graf or physical (ask bent) and never will. we aint built like your little suburban high school drawing club. we're real motherfuckers who really bomb 2gether and really knock heads for each other. love us or hate us, understand we arent in this for you......
  14. dog, i wasnt talking to you... i was talking to the people who seem to disagree w/ my "rules" for who should talk shit on this thread... its like everytime i say something the softees jump up and yell the loudest about how theyre so crazy and graf is so wild and wooly and there should be no rules... i'm saying there is a rule: you could get fucked up fuckin w the wrong fucker. but this is the internet so anyone can portray that role i guess... but ask some older heads (demon, smk, cert, if yer gay-ass bent ask stren or whoever) and see who is known for fucking shit up, whether its graf or catching some rec. i'll bet theres some really good stories about me catching some fucker who thought he'd never get caught out there and did. this is the DC BRICK SLAYERS thread if you havent "slayed" some brick in dc, SHUT THE FUCK UP!
  15. the next motherfucker that tells me theres no rules gets a fucking punch in the head. shut the fuck up. you have no fucking idea what yer talking about. this is graffiti, not some hippie, free-love shit. those who bomb hardest and back that shit up make the rules. now, internet fucking graffiti threads have no rules, thats why they suck...
  16. this is a dc wall-bombing thread. if you are from md or va or alaska for that matter, as long as youre bombing dc walls then i dont have a problem wit ya... i myself got out of dc cuz i couldnt stand their parole dept and i switched to fed parole... but i STILL get up in dc. as ive said before if all u do is bomb va tunnels or whatever: good! stand up and start a va tunnel thread. just stop talkin shit about people who bomb dc walls on the reg on THEIR thread... if you have no presence or respect on dc walls why would you want to be here anyway? i know just about everybody on this thread and we are all laughing at gay-ass bent and dark etc... the funniest part is they dont even realize it..
  17. wow... che doesnt even have to go to va to get up anymore... gay-ass sabertooth will do it for him... "trouble crossing bridges" thats funny cuz its true... get off the kgb dick... or better yet come into our city so we can catch you out there...
  18. ^ dog, shut the fuck up when grown folk are talking
  19. csu going over che... not a good look. che ragged yr shit in 1 night. let it go at that.
  20. scuze me who is ryn... do not push kgb. we r not normal graf crew. we will cross u out on sight.
  21. dog... shut yer faggot, sabretooth-lookin ass up. this is the dc thread. you are not allowed to call anyone "toy". you've been "painting" like 15 years and you still arent up. anytime you wanna see me, holla. columbia road all day. come get some rec or shut the fuck up. now, anyone reading this: yungun will not step up and meet me anywhere, at anytime. because: 1. his fuckin beater cant make the trip from bumfuck mannassas to dc. 2. he wouldnt get out of his beater on my block anyway. 3. he's got a dick in his mouth. i mean really. did you see his picture? he looks like wolverine grew up on the jersey shore tv show after too many dicks in the ass...
  22. i think you have to think about where you are bombing. is it a spot that gets buffed a lot? is it a spot that is out of the way and yet still booms at you after its done... stop hitting the same 20 spots...
  23. all-city and most prolific are difficult to define. their were shitloads of writers before dan. i remember being on the bus downtown in '79 - '80 and seeing so many taggers. even dan will tell you he was influenced by the huge amount of taggers of the '70s and early '80s... around 83 there came a kind of switch from DC go go tagging to the more popular (now) NY style... i used to tag in go go style for some time (starting in 82) and still have many people come up to me and say "HOBO?" (the lady who did my IRA and life insurance)... i switched to RAGE and moved to NYC in 84... when i came back Dan was def running things, along w CYCLE, VIEW, KIER, CERT, CAST, EXACTO and more... any one of those names was up as much if not more than even MOE and CHE now... the difference is huge. DC looks empty to me now after i came home from prison in '01... (btw the most up in lorton? me and CAST, but i came later and stayed longer than he did) CERT def gets props for keeping it going, one of the few... anyway the point i'm trying to make, is get up and go out and hit those streets. DC has a long history of graf, with or without NY style... and lots of walls. you might have to go into some hoods or maybe think outside the box and get some walls no ones ever thought of getting... i painted murals and canvases all year and i get more phone calls and email about little burners i do than anything... but fame is the name of the game...
  24. big ster! u gotta holla at me, homie..
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