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Everything posted by ultrakgb

  1. never understood the hype about cope. didnt see him up when i lived in nyc 84-90 and as a foot courier i rode trains at least 8 hours a day. then all of a sudden, he's all over videograf and everything else talking anti-brooklyn shit... and while i love th bx (my girl is a zulu queen who ran the insides in the early 80s) the baddest man to ever do it is from brooklyn: DONDI... anyways, seriously, i remember many writers and trains, but no cope... that said i didnt get up much either... i was too busy clubbin 7 nights a week w/ my girl nayobe (also fr the bx)... what a waste of time...
  2. and as far as that big girl pic: how could he say "no"... she's got him pinned down
  3. thats got to be the ugliest 3d ive ever seen... and you know which one im talking about...
  4. at what point are you going to realize everyone is laughing at you, fag?
  5. anybody with info on yungun? holla at your boy...
  6. yungun- get off this thread bitch... you are banned or did you forget? only real dc writers on this thread. when ramadan's over ima celebrate by kicking your kaafirun ass... bbb- they are writers. they write their tag. this thing has been going on since time began. yeah, you have a style evolved from that, but they write for the original reason -hood fame... something a lot of these bammas know nothing about...
  7. it's funny. i post a bunch of current dc go-go graf and only one person sez anything and its negative. learn your history!
  8. then you should address the people you're talking to. let em know how you feel. this internet, hide behind 5 log-in name shit is for the birds... i like to keep my site simple for the non-believers... i am planning on opening a big digital gallery of back-in-the-day flix eventually
  9. these kids is up more than you in neighborhoods you wouldnt step into... and if you met them on the street you wouldnt say shit...
  10. btw i asked yungun to name time and place this is his private response: 'I dont think about a bitch like you livin in the past. back in the day you all and NAA Clear and Some were a no show when we set a meet. If I see you then I see you." i'm not sure what that means as ive never had to set up a meet w somebody and ive never moved with NAA or Clear or Some. although i do fuck with Clear and Some since i came home. everyone who was ever involved in dc graf knows i dont sell woof tickets, i cash them in. ive only bombed strictly for the hood and the hood has always given me love. Also, me and my squad paint daily. i may not bomb up to your specifications but then neither do you. again: tell me when and where... until then shut the fuck up.
  11. i dont know how you can say you werent saying anyone was crying or bitching because thats exactly what you said. i think you need to be more careful and choose your words.
  12. here's some dc writers that dont know anything about you and dont care. and theyre more up than you.
  13. i'm ready: when and where? no more posting until you say when and where? the bitch is the one who's copping a plea and still got his shit rocked...
  14. yungun, you've been outed. every real writer in dc is laughing his ass off. that picture is fuckin hilarious. you went out like an art school bitch. at least have the decency to shut the fuck up... btw, i cant even remember any spots where you have got up in dc. che found an old tag on a va bridge. its dissed now. if we're toys, we're the toys you'll never step to, pussy-ass motherfucker.
  15. btw not only was i born before 86, i was born before 76, in fact i was born before 66... i have a son with a female nyc writer LADY PARIS, who was born in 86... i was writing graf before anyone you know. even disco dan remembers my original tags before he started. that said, there are no rules. graf is what you want it to be. graf is what i want it to be. i have yet to meet 2 writers who can completely agree on everything. so stop trying. just do you and ima do me. but if you think i talk to much, feel free to try to shut me up. this 12oz is some bullshit and i know it. i find it funny to talk shit, the difference with me is i'm the same in real life and i expect the same of you... you wanna say i'm crying online? someday you'll meet me and ima hold you to that. i dont care if youre 7 foot tall, ima try to wreck your shit...
  16. yungun aka bent bka metr is the one standing on the higher step, cast is standing below him and cram is off to the right with the baseball cap. as i remember this was a saturday morning and i was on my way there. i got there right at the end. and yes, this is the steps at corcoran. fucking hilarious! what a little bitch... no wonder you dont want to see me or my crew, we already punked you in the 90's... this is too funny... we should make a new rule: unless your name is in your id or people generally know who you are, if you want to comment on somebody else you must include a pic of your own shit... that would slow down a lot of bullshit...
  17. hey cast, i remember that day... i got there too late to be in the photo i guess.... THAT was yungun? ha! dude, you need to shut the fuck up when grown people are talking... HA!
  18. albus cavus recieved about 90g's in grants for the mural PROJECT. a 6 week program with 45 dc youth enrolled that taught about community mural-making. money was spent on: the 45 kids were PAID to attend, the space where the class was taught, the teachers and curriculum (which included out-of-towners pose2, chor boogie and joshua mays), field trip (buses, etc.), paint for the main mural, generators, scaffolding, lights, other materials, and a million other things... the mural JAM was added later... certain things were paid: myself, sound, porta-potties, and some covering paint and materials which were distributed to people who showed up without materials... i've heard i made $10,000 which is hilarious... if you knew how hard we worked to stretch that money to pay you'd laugh, too... and as far as censorship: this was painted on a public wall owned by a developer who stipulated what he didnt want to see... you've painted enough legal walls (this is my first LEGAL wall) to understand that...
  19. bbg, sorry we'll just have to agree to disagree about albus cavus... albus cavus is a non profit dedicated to making opportunities to create and appreciate public art... graffiti falls under this umbrella... i believe there's nothing wrong with art in the public eye and if i can get paid for it i will... i started painting in "OUR city" LONG before anyone here (1982) and sorry, you don't get to tell me "the rules". you don't pay my bills. for the last 6 months ive supported myself and my family on art-related work- something i've never done in my life. to do this i have worked with "out-of-towners" and dc natives who are experienced and working in this area of expertise. i have had to fight bureauracracy and bullshit anti-graf prejudice every step of the way. but , ive made no bones about who i am and what i represent to all parties concerned. i'm proud of the work that was done at the rhode island avenue wall by everyone, graf artists, gallery artists, amateur joe blow from off the street... albus cavus fought against stupid prejudice like the anc member that insists that all art on a wall is "gang-related" and brought realness to the community... and believe me they appreciate it. i was out there everyday last week and people were asking me questions and telling who their favorite artist is... anyway, sometimes your arguments sound the same as that anc member: "all art on walls is graf" "all graf is gang-related" "average people can't enjoy graf" "graf is worthless garbage, no one should be paid to do this" albus cavus has pursued 2 similiar cases and won $$$ for the artists involved... it looks like the site has shut down the gallery sections of its site. and youre right it doesnt matter if its legal or not. if you create an image its yours. however by suing over an illegal image you would be bring attention to your self and be admitting that you created said illegal image. that said, you guys need to stop selling yourselves short: you are artists and what you are creating is art. and even if you dont want to profit off it, you shouldnt let some else...
  20. i dont think they can even give away pics without your permission...
  21. if flick is of a legal piece they must have a contract with you. albus cavus is already looking into this legally. if youre piece is illegal, yer out of luck... unless you wanna risk being arrested... more later...
  22. havent seen your gay ass on here in a while... just come off grounding? tell your moms i'll be over after midnight, should i pick up some milk for your gay ass fruity pebbles in the morning?
  23. yo its the kid who actually called himself bent! didnt i bend your mother over a coupla months ago? i'm fat but i still got up in them guts. i'm tired of telling you i aint your father so stop swinging on my nuts... you want to see me, let me know...
  24. i tried to tell the story of demon's joint as far as i was willing to go. me and demon are mad cool and he seems fine with the people that arranged the wall so thats done. islam is not a religion, it is a way of existence. che can do whatever he likes, youre still jealous and if you want to try and talk that shit to any kgb member, let me get my video camera. i want footage of your ass getting knocked the fuck out.
  25. in fact that one caption covers the muslim star and crescent on the woman's ass, which i do find offensive. would i tell another man what he can paint? never.
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