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Everything posted by ultrakgb

  1. and i went by my guidelines which is who has got the streets talkin? (not the internet talkin) pear def put it in (i'm a huge pear fan) and still is putting it in, out of town tho... dc people are talking about moe and che and juju. period. i like trains. ive painted trains. people have posted em here. but my list was about dc streets. and about getting writers to consider what makes a top bomber... and i wanted to speak up for the 3 writers who dont really come on here and post... and as far as my age: im in this for life. unless youre a select few on this thread, i paint more now at my age than you do at your age (and when i was your age, you woulda been no comp)... and it remains to be seen if you'll still be doing it 20 years later...
  2. wow, youre funny... i never said that. im just explaining my position as a dc bomber to you as a non-dc non-bomber...
  3. ok... let me define how i came up w my list. dc is a street bombing city... we had no aboveground trains until late 70s or so and by then graf scene was solidly doing buses and city walls. dc graf is about city streets not trains. trains are nice, but my definition of a dc writer is how are you banging streets. i did not count walls facing train lines or in the back of industrial parks or behind ranger surplus in manassas... i also go by what everyday people are talking about, not graf writers on a website... people were talking about che, moe, juju etc. sime is mad up, but even he will agree (i think) that he didnt start really banging the streets this year until late, while che and moe havent done anything else all year. my test is: walk down any street in any hood in dc and whose shit are you likely to see. i believe its a toss-up between che and moe and everybody else (including myself) are far behind.
  4. no one knows the first writers of dc... ive been here longer than almost anybody and graffiti writers were banging strong in the 70's...
  5. no. never heard of reo. maybe you didnt mean "history" maybe you meant"HIS STORY" cuz it sounds like some bullshit to me...
  6. btw..in the 90's READ MOD used to live in the apartment directly over this wall
  7. DC Graf Awards Top Street Bomber 1. CHE KGB & MOE ATB (tie) These dudes are killing it with radically different approaches to the sport. CHE has much improved this year and has been dabbling with many different styles. MOE is throwing caution to the wind and burying DC under a blizzard of handstyles and throwies. I'm glad to have been a part in squashing beef between these 2 earlier this year. 2. AERA KGB On the come up! CHE partners up with this street killer for a reason. 3. JAKE Farewell, homie. If this guy had stayed in DC, this list might look a little different. Top Legal Graf 1. DEMON 202 DOTCOM(Edgewood Mural Jam, Rhode Island Avenue Shopping Ctr.) Like Prince sang: "Controversy!" If you can stand to have your religious sensibilities challenged, the dopest piece all year. Top Illegal Graf 1. Michael Jackson Tribute, JUJU (Fort Totten Metro Station) Not the best, technically... but subject matter, location and execution make this el primo. (dis?)Honorable Mention: MOE tag on Adams Morgan mural. Almost as many people talked about this as the MJ tribute. That's what graf is about, folks. Top Non-Graf Street Artist 1. DECOY She's my homegirl, but she goes out and gets it in. Might not be the by-the-book vandal's cup of tea, but she probably has more spots than you, so shut up. 2. RVLTN 3. DIABETIK Best Mural 1. Edgewood Mural, Rhode Island Avenue Shopping Ctr. (CHOR Boogie, POSE 2, DECOY & Quest Skinner) 2. Takoma Park Metro Mural (DEMON 202) 3. Girard St. Park Mural (Aniekan, POSE 2)
  8. as to where my burners are at and are they new? get out on the streets and figure it out for yourself...
  9. big ups ster... never painted a skateboard before... hope i made you a little $$$ for the cause...
  10. yeah. stryfe didnt post those photos on the internet. those wannabees posted their own wack-ass photos... i dont even post my own good shit. i post my pic cuz i dont give a fuck. jake knows who i am from my other endeavors and none of these cowards has the heart to step to me in life. believe me ive tried to set it up. that fucker went out like the gay porn actor he is trying to look like... they wont come to dc or see me for nothing... i wish there was a rule they had to stay off my city's thread, but i guess theyre on our dick so hard there's nothing we can do... remember: this thread is for DC WALL BANGERS... when you see pics, think about what youre looking at. is it a wall on the street in a busy DC intersection? or is it a trailer in somebody's junkyard in mannasas?
  11. actually, that stuff was dissed. i respect lefavor and rvltn...
  12. alright, let me calm down... but you gotta admit: that motherfucker looks like a gay porn actor with those fucking sideburns... so, i promised to chill out and i will. i think cast pretty much said everything and those fuckers aint coming to dc... and by the way, i aint hatin on va... just fags w no style on my city's thread... if you dont bang or have banged dc walls then u shouldnt be on here talking shit. kgb= ultra, ski, ritz, exotic touch, cast, cram, cert, halo, ven, deejay oso fresh, rome, rope, zyde, cool "disco" dan, rule, sime, aera, che, cazm and wins... somos pocos, pero locos! (we're not many, but we're krazy!)
  13. dc graf history lesson: dc is the FIRST graf crew in dc period. est. 1984. 2 years before disco dan even started writing. everyone in this crew stands behind every other member 100%. forever. there is NO graf crew in dc, md or va that goes hard like we do. end of lesson. yungun and dark are toys even amongst other suburban va writers. they never come to dc, so why are they on this thread? ive declared war on these faggots and anyone claiming tcb will get gone over and if i catch them worked over. aera and che couldnt find any tcb shit in dc so they had to journey to va to disrespect. yungun, if you have a problem with finding someone to meet you head on, i'm your man. as ive said before: name the time and the place. dont claim nobody will see you when you wont even answer... bow down to kgb: next generation...
  14. i'm sorry, WHAT? are you fucking stupid? cast WAS DC... the rule is: STAY OFF KGB!
  15. awesome, dude..i mean totally.. now he needs to stay the fuck out there... as i said long ago... this thread is for and about dc writers. this is not the wannabe-shook-ass-art-school-drop-outs-who-like-to-talk-shit-and-cant-back-it-up thread. "tunnels and underpasses".. jesus. how about "some streets and trains"... bent couldnt hang w che or moe for 5 seconds...
  16. back in the early 90's there were a coupla people going around putting up swatikas. (crazy guy and some skinheads) i went over them whenever i could. over time the swastikas came back thru the silver krylon... wow thats some ugly shit... some of that is from 91-92 when i first switched names to ULTRA... the first one was in a lot next to CAST's house. i wanted to piss him off and was trying to finish before he came outside. as i moved down the wall, there turned out to be a pit under my feet and i ended up worrying about sinking into some hole more than painting...
  17. why are you telling people to shut the hell up? if you dont like talking and just want pics, go to flickr... i love people who say shut the hell up online and know irl they could get their fucking chin checked... rhe only people on this thread who need to keep their lips tight are the mfers who have never painted dc... anyone else can fucking rattle away... (i said PAINT, bent... sharpie tags on the metro escalator dont count..)
  18. i wanna reply. i just dont know what the hell you are saying. let me speak simply for your mentally-challenged ass: "you. are. a. toy. see. me." really, you can see che. i'm sure you dont want to fuck with my youngin either... please stop posting every 2 weeks too. we cant wait for you to come off grounding to hear your witty replies to shit that was finished weeks ago.
  19. brown union... represent! cast, you ever hear anything about nica or any of those dudes? i aint seen none of em since i came home...
  20. are you stupid? ive probably painted more this year than you have in your life (and i dont mean legal walls). and some of my shit from the 90's is still running. anyway, what i said is based on real observation, dumbass. nothin against dude, but: cope was NOT all-city in the 80's. period. i was ridin trains in ny when you were swimmin in yr pop's sack, so i can say what i like. and i would side with dondi and the whole brooklyn mob over cope any day. that said, my man chor just did a show with dude, so i dont hate him, i just dont understand why little highschoolers like you dont know the history... the funny thing is: i always tell youngins to stop sweating nyc, dc is much harder to street bomb. anytime a dc dude goes to ny he wrecks shop... so stop sweatin dudes who just know how to promote... and on top of all that i'm not the one going on different threads calling him a snitch... thats older and (maybe) wiser heads than me.
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