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Posts posted by boost™

  1. How is making credit cars web site go down for a few hours helping any cause? It makes them look like spoiled brats, who are mad because they cant see the GPS data of anti-terrorist positions........


    oooooooooooooooooooh my god you are stupid too!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    if u know nothing about whats going on about this whole wikileaks thing, then just stfu :rolleyes:

  2. Boost-


    Go see the world kiddo

    Then youll see just how good we have it here


    dude your fucking stupid just cause other countries have it bad, means we should settle what we have now? the way you think is weak, its like saying:


    we'll look these people are eating diarrhea im fine with eating poop turds



    and i dont know about you boats n hoes, but i dont settle for less

  3. would you rather not have the truth? would you rather be a slave to big corporations that are above the law? You would like to be lied to and just be a slave for the rest of your life?


    I dont know about you but im tired of living in this fucked up U.S, you may not be into politics, economics, and whats going on in our country and world but some people are. This could be a big change and leave a huge mark in history, these leaks can bring the big banks down that have fucked over our economy, it could lessen the governments power and in the end bringing a better country, so fuck off this thread if you dont support



    and pissdrunkanaltaker, seriously get off my nuts yer swinging on my pubes like you're some Tarzan bro



    i can't wait to you old fucks die, too lazy to find out whats going on and actually to do something


    p.s 15psi br0 boostin




    buump and seems like this thread is done with no more support, seeeeeeeee ya trolls laterrr

  4. Seriously.


    This shit is fucking stupid.


    ....Fucking teenagers.






    would you rather not have the truth? would you rather be a slave to big corporations that are above the law? You would like to be lied to and just be a slave for the rest of your life?


    I dont know about you but im tired of living in this fucked up U.S, you may not be into politics, economics, and whats going on in our country and world but some people are. This could be a big change and leave a huge mark in history, these leaks can bring the big banks down that have fucked over our economy, it could lessen the governments power and in the end bringing a better country, so fuck off this thread if you dont support



    and pissdrunkanaltaker, seriously get off my nuts yer swinging on my pubes like you're some Tarzan bro



    i can't wait to you old fucks die, too lazy to find out whats going on and actually to do something


    p.s 15psi br0 boostin



  5. Boost, you're like 16.

    "Revolution" is always appealing to teenagers.

    The funny part is that teenagers always think that smashing shit, rioting or causing some kind of mass annoyance is the way to get it done.

    All that does is cause the cops to get angry, more forceful and people catching charges that were basically unnecessary, because shit was back to business after the tear gas cleared.


    All those protests in Seattle didn't stop shit.

    They just moved the convention to another spot and did their deals.

    Protesting is for people who wear their heart on their sleeve.

    Get money and buy your freedom.


    P.S.-Wicked tat, br0.


    you're fucking stupid check the history books bro

  6. It's just a fact.


    If I could devise these programs I would spend my time making myself rich somehow, rather than trying to be a tiny thorn in master card's gigantic side.


    no its not, its only true because we dont do shit about it, look at the UK right now students are getting together and fuckin shut up the police are literally pissing their boots in fear, and that bill about tripling college tuition is about to fail cuz they actually got up off their ass and are doing something(rioting/protesting)

    • Like 2
  7. I can see where you guys are coming from and I do applaud your efforts, but the man always wins in the end.


    You can't hurt a corporation. If it were a small business run by one, or even several people you could stick it to them (the way they're sticking it to the founder of wikileaks).


    Master Card is huge, so many people, so much money, so many laws behind them. They can afford to stick it out and still turn a profit in the end. In fact the CEO will most likely give himself a bonus for "getting everyone though the attack".


    But hey, it's still good to see that the people can make a small dent, I'm sure it shakes them up a little and there is some satisfaction in that.


    you lose if you have that kind of mentality

  8. Is there really anything here that wasn't already known?

    We know the war is going bad, we know about massive civilian casualties, we know about torture in prisons.


    War policy and strategy should constantly be under debate. But does publishing field reports going years back add anything to the conversation?

    The time to make a case for or against the war is long gone (FYI I was against it). Pulling out now like *snap* is a feasible or a smart idea.


    I also don't think it's unreasonable to expect secrecy and lack of transparency by government during war.


    Katie Couric used to look hotter.


    are you stupid? did you even download the leaks?

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