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Posts posted by MoonsOfSulkendastron

  1. however it is not binding. ANYone, no matter their circumstances, can do what they have to do to better their position in life. Most just do not want to do what it takes and the time to do so. It may mean you start so primitively as to learn about human communication, then use that to gain alot of friends/connections, then work your way into a position of influence, then a position of power, and by that point, you are definately in a better position then you started. a risk most are not willing to take, and make excuses like 'impossibility' or 'theres not enough time to do al of that'


    alot of it is obviously who you know, not what you know.

  2. Decferon<QUOTE>Also, your social situation DOES affect how you are percieved in the eyes of the law, Rich people can and have literally gotten away with murder, and like i said about the caste system in India, the people are NOT born equal.


    That is true. Boys-N-tha-Hood is a good example--a person who wants to do right and has done no wrong is automatically shaken down by the law because they were born and raised in Compton or wherever, so it assumed they just robbed somone or have crack under theyre tongue.


    Same with the rich however--if a respectable millionaire is found in Compton there would be no way the law would think theyre up to no good; actually prolly offer to give them a lift home in the squad car. Or, they could have just been caught pulling the trigger, but money solves most things like that.

    "Yes, i just shot that man. Heres 7 million dollars to keep it to yourself, Officer Romero."

    "..uhhmm..uh, yeah. Looks like a random mugging to me. Need a ride away from the scene, Mr. Millionaire?"


    bet that ish goes down alot. paying off judges, jury, police, etc. Poor people cant do that.

  3. i feel what decy is saying---if my mom is a crackhead and im born addicted to crack, i have no right to choose to be addicted or not when i come out of the womb. However the reality is that i am physically addicted to crack cocaine.


    same concept applied elsewhere---im born into a culture of castes. its my natural right to be the elite class if i choose, but my culture does not allot me that choice, and i dont know anything about other cultures, so im stuck with no right to be the elite.

    its up to those in a country like that to choose to make it differant for their kids and the future generations of that country. If they dont care and dont want to begin changing that, then shut up and live in the untouchable class like your only living natural right says you have to.

    • Like 1
  4. Decyferon-


    true, but that is not our as western country residents fault(not that you were implying it is), its just legitimately, EVERYONE (meaning every human being) in the world is born with the natural law rights, whether its rwanda or canada. But you are right when you say those rights are taken away from them by others in their country after birth. America is differant because we said 'eff that' and took the risk of dying by revolting against the king of England.


    People in other countries have no right to complain if they do not have the same rights we have, because they have not been smart enough to organize and take the risk of dying and "re-earning" those rights from the people in power in their countries.

  5. christo-f---


    aod told you everything you asked bro...why are you getting all defensive about his "obsessive" "ranting and raving"? Hes merely clarifying that in the miniscule possibility you proposed that law enforcement might be in a situation where they face possible heavy firepower/ individuals with a military background, waco is not a good example of how it would go down.

    Your original question asked AOD what methods he thinks the govt. would use if put in a similar situation, then used waco as an example to clarify the type of heavy weaponary we are terming here. AOD said he didnt know how law enforcement would handle a similar situation, because there HAS NEVER BEEN ONE in America. Waco, as he mentioned, was NOT a normal police situation that would "commonly" happen on the streets, so he cant give you an idea based on precedent.


    The LA bank robbery/shootout in the early '90's might be a better example to work with. The robbers had fully auto ak47s, semi auto pistols, body armor(which is illegal, btw), mad amounts of ammo, and went on a rampage. The police, with the absence of such firepower, handled it how they were trained to handle it. They immediately went to local gun stores and grabbed what assault weapons were available(mostly ar15's and other semiauto civilian versions of assault weapons), cleared the area for blocks of civilians, set a perimeter, then isolated and eliminated the threat.


    But for a straight up answer from me(if you care), is that indeed the chances of people going out and buying $5000 machine guns and $12000 rpgs if restrictive laws were revoked is slim to none. Sure you would have some, very very isolated incidents of abuse by htose who did happen to purchase these weapons, and in these cases i think law enforcement would deal with it based on itellegence.


    if theres 20 guys and an approximate number of pimped out weapons and explosives, they would most likely call in fed related team(such as the SEALs, Delta, local Marine Recon force in the area, etc.) that trains for that type of situation, because thats BIG. They would most likely clear the area and use what methods were necessary to neutralize the threat.

    If theres 5 guys with a smaller amount, but a plethora of heavy arms, they would use the local SWAT team to deal with it.


    ...or just watch what they do in the "numerous" occasions Hollywood depicts. Those are as close as any of the methods law enforcement would use in real life, I'm assuming..

    • Like 1
  6. I tend to agree with Steven Hawkings when he said "we should keep our head low in the universe..."


    I think sending out random probes into space with instructions on how to get to our galaxy/system/planet is a horrible idea. If other lifeforms are able to get to earth, they are clearly way more intellegent than we are, and what has always happened when a superior race meets an inferior one?


    Enslavement. Or erradication, both of which are not things we would enjoy..


    What makes us think that a superior form of life would want to be our friends?

  7. Level 75-

    I happen to be a highly educated individual and dont consider myself an elitist..


    just look at the dudes policies, alignments, etc. and use common sense(..which went out the window in the U.S. years ago) and reasoning, if you are capable, without believing everything CNN or Fox says is absolute..


    after you do your research(you really only need to moderately probe), how can anyone truthfully say that obama is NOT an elitist? Refer to angelofdeath's point about all recent presidents

  8. the pentagon is what bothers me. the whole "Loose Change" segment on that was rather disturbing...

    look that up if you havnt seen it casek, then:

    could the cruise missle that hit the pentagon have been released by the bombers in the pager messages?

  9. nsmbfan:

    Did you ever see that documentary on some of that mayan(?) or some civilization where even by todays standards, the archetecture/physics of the remaining ruins were impossible? They showed a huge pillar, like some huge gigantic tonnage, and 3/4 of it was underground with the remainder above ground, and it all supported this large stone structure. The thing is, the pillar was made of a type of stone that can only be found 10 mountain ranges away or somthing.


    Furthermore, the cuts and inscriptions on alot of the stone they were saying couldnt even be done today by lasers-they were that precise, even thru thousands of years of weathering. I forgot what channel it was on, but it was some crazy stuff!

  10. i had something similar when i was like 16.

    i had just gone to bed, and was in that state where youre dreaming, but are aware of whats going on around you you know? So i was dreaming i was walking on a road with hedgerows on each side, somthing resembling a picture from Normandy France, and on the right the hedge opened into a farm yard. For whatever reason, i was drawn to the barn and started walking toward it, perilized like i couldnt help it.

    i heard my brother walk up the stairs and into the bathroom while i was dreaming this, and i started to get scared because i wasnt in control of my body. So i started to yell my brothers name in my dream, but in reality my vocal cords were worthless. I was continually drawn to this barn door, and i still get chills thinkin about it, but i am certain there was some sort of being or entity on the other side.

    I started to open the door, partially outside my body(completely perilized) but by this time i could use my voice in reality and slowly "twisted" out of my dream thingy and back into into my bod.


    Im certain to this day that if i had opened the door i would have been completely out of my body. it felt like there was noway i could control it.

  11. dang it sorry for the posts fellas


    or the human mind grasp thing?

    I agree with you on that--the human mind cannot possibly fathom eternity, or even the vastness of our own solar system let alone the universe.

    But while the whole 'well our contention is' thing is the most likely conclusion based off the fact that it has yet to be disproven, it is still a 'we dont really know, its a guess, but we are fairly certain its this because experiments prove xy&z..yattayatta ' Definately the most likely truth, but we cannot control for every single one of the inconcievable factors that also 'may have been present'. Thats what all my professors have said anyway, unless i misunderstood or somthin.


    their basic sum up in the debates that continue to this day in my classes is you dont know, i dont know, noone else knows, so whats the effin point. on to more theory testing.

  12. the.crooked:

    The theory thing? Im a physics minor bra im quite aware of scientific correctness and definitions...


    its just half the ish im sayin are the stances of people i have talked to in the past, never said thats how i feel("i" in my previous posts="them"). Just tryin to get good responses to all the standpoints in order to promote further discussions outside 12oz.


    discussing this is wack anyway tho. noone is going to change anyone elses mind. fun to see reactions tho ha

  13. i wasnt mad or trying to attack you, im just sayin i get a kick in the pants out of the idea that we were 'created' so that god could have a relationship with us.


    yea i dont know if i necessarily believe it, but ive heard alot of people say things along those lines.


    just tryin to throw in ish ive heard to hear differant perspectives, thats all

  14. ...or, youre a goddamn ape that thinks youre a lot more important than you really are...


    pfff hahahaha funny how things get personal when differing opinions arise...chill out bro its just a discussion!


    im just throwin ideas out there anyway ha jsut to see if i got a reaction like that! Proof of the law that you dont bring up religion in conversations b/c they might wanna kill you afterward!


    is all hope lost for adults that want to exchange ideas?!!! chill man

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