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street villain

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Posts posted by street villain

  1. some clothes- ( 2 pairs of jeans // 3 or 4 shirts // 2 hoodies ))


    dvd's ( the hangover and extract - havn't watched extract yet, heard it was good )



    anddd some pics, for the talking -















    ---- best gift though, by far - was getting a letter from my homie in jail... i've been trying to get a hold of him and write him for almost 2 months now.


    hope everyone had a good day!

  2. meh, so you're not canadian. you're still not capable of thinking outside any box.


    even with a 20 story GAPING hole, those buildings were originally built to withstand a direct hit from a Boeing airliner. they're fucking high rise buildings you mook. you don't think someone said, "but what if a plane hits it?" when they were being constructed?


    there is no point continuing this conversation with a troll.





    why bother with this dude? do you not read his posts? he is a fucking idiot... let him be.

  3. italians are some of the corniest mother fuckers. Like how no matter where they live, they all talk with a new york accent and how they all base themselves off of mob characters in movies. ie jon gotti.


    bottom line is MOST italians are corny as fuck



    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


    what a moron.

  4. System you mean like the black mammy salt/pepper shakers? If they're the ones i'm thinking of, they're fairly common.


    My mom actually happened to see the show and thought it looked stupid but since then we haven't really missed and episode. I really hate the people who bring in stupid stuff and wanna get large amounts of money in it. The guy with the glass sword..


    lmao, the glass sword was ridiculous... you see this fool last episode with the autographed quilt? askin 50 g's ... wtf !?

  5. i feel you casek - that was the worse part of losing my dog,...



    it was wierd, because when he was alive, i would be on some " DOWN CHARLIE! STOP!!! " shit when he would jump all over me when i came home... once he was gone, it was what i missed most... him being all excited i was home.




    sorry for your loss, bro.

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