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street villain

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Posts posted by street villain

  1. Those hideous fuckin things. Apparently there's a stitched in "Pot pouch" in the tongue.


    If anyone went for their shoe and pulled out a nic of weed I would laugh in their face.



    i got a pair of ipaths with a stash spot... not for nic's of trees tho. :)


    //edit - didn't realize they call it a " POT POUCH " - wack.

    • Like 1
  2. I need to cop, give me a link!?!


    thanks, homie beat me to the link, good luck! finishline is good with shipping... pretty fast.

  3. Nevermind beardo dropping knowledge, are you saying if you were in dude's shoes you would have let that loudmouth faggot keep following you, talkin shit to you and your girl, and not done anything?


    I just watched that episode tonight finally, and I hafta say Ronnie actually let that shit go on for way too long before he finally beat dude's ass. And he definitely didn't hit him with a one hitter quitter, as it didn't look like a very good punch and dude slipped, but after they hit the ground he FUCKED him up, straight boxing his ears in...good shit




    na homie... that was the first fight he got in, and i agree... he let that shit talk go on too long... but he definitely won that... on the latest episode, he gets in another fight, and gives dude a dirt nap... homeboy is out COLD.

  4. Photo8-1.jpg

    newest toy....

    357 mag

    smith n wess




    i'm working with something very similar -



    smith & wesson .357 snub -


    it is a beautiful piece, and i have never had a problem with it... the only complaint i have is the no safety...



    -- i have kids in the house, so i have to be cautious.

  5. this was just completely unnecessary and obnoxious.

    really.... dont try to get cute.


    slayer in general.

    mnetallica and justice for all and earlier.

    metal church,

    anthrax persistence of time and back.

    morbid angel.




    i coul;d name 5000 bands and albums.

    this is fucking stupid.




    i agree, that was ridiculous ... but you didn't help the situation by quoting the shit.

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