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pimp c

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Everything posted by pimp c

  1. /G/O/R/E/F/O/U/R/V/D/ end2end bump that shit....
  2. bump them last posts MAYNE....
  3. bump white boy... an that pako handstyle is sickkk.....
  4. not a 100% sure but its a IA KOG on the back of the billboard ridin off poplar...in the same color paint
  5. ^^^i dont know who this guy thinks i am but hes wrong... FACT!!
  6. foes an wase need to take it to a wall if they can do so without someone endingup in the hospital...there both skilled individuals...an its a lot more eye pleasing than going under a bridge a cappin each others shit...
  7. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. seriously...u didnt get the memo playboy?? this is NOT the Nasty Shit thread anymore.... or even the TWO SICK thread... its my thread so yall can let it die or keep comin on here talkin shit.... either way ima get the last post:lol: an yer right this shit aint even funny anymore but what is funny is the most up person in NS in milwaukee is FESTEK an hes been gone for years...and are u really ready to lose all 5 of yer crews pieces over a punk ass thread??? GROW UP start a new thread...or cry for all i care....just keep me an my KREWS out yer mouth:cool:
  9. know whats really funny...the RICO LAW u fimiliar with it?? 10 to life muther fucker...hav fun in the FEDS...:lol:
  10. this the song that got me hooked in 95... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ey1op7AAqo
  11. i see this 1 flew over yer head...let me break it down 4 u....WASEFACE quoted the chef..."Got with a sick ass click an went alll out" an i said What is Cash Rules Everything Around Me??? in the form of a question like i was on JEOPARDY...get it? got it? good?? MOTHER FUCKERRRR....of course i know its WU-TANG CLAN unlike u i grew up on that shit i just didnt jump on the band wagon after they made "truimph" so dont go there kid...
  12. what is Cash Rules Everything Around Me...??
  13. he signed my blackbook in the basement of UPROC in oh five...if that aint milwaukee for u i dont know what is...:)
  14. wait a second...are u serious...first deapo hits the marquette...then we post the flix an bump him on the MILWAUKEE THREAD for doing it...then the thread gets shut down...then a few days later its a different MILWAUKEE THREAD...same people just all scared to post flix an talk shit...i do admitt i smelled the stinch of swine on a couple of new users...there first 2 posts there asking about deapo an rebok...but i think yall over re-acting...hav any of us committed a crime?? NO! so lets act like it....somebody start postin flix unless u want me to holler at SCAB an get his flick book from 95-2000 thats not a threat its a promise if this thread goes to page 3 with no flix its on........youve been warned
  15. http://www.myspace.com/1caramel1 best female rapper on myspace...:lol:
  16. from now on i aint paintin nuthin but fr8s...3-5 yard...yeah..come see me.....
  17. damn mayne i thought i was on page 1 again....:lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. WHAT???cru jones...check yer pms u was just talkin about squashin this bullshit...
  19. bump lung... u an faek need to make yer way back to milwaukee while the weathers still warm yall still rockin at the madhouse walls too
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