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Posts posted by TheoHuxtable..

  1. I put Garnett as one of the top 2 PF in the league... if not the best PF.


    Dude can't only bang down low but he has that outside & mid-range that's devastating.


    SSGG must've been smokin somethin.

  2. I beat Godfather II last night. Finally I was trying to get it over with so I could sell it.


    Review: (out of 10)


    Graphics: 4

    Gameplay: 6

    Controls: 6

    Sound: 7

    Fun: 7

    Challenge: 4


    Overall: 6



  3. You were on point with your awards. Carl's Jr. has the best burgers, knew that since Middle School... Burger King began having the best fries around '97 when they changed how they make their fries (I heard they use some kind of batter). Still, Mickey D's is still right there with them. And Jack N The Box definitely has the best shakes. For a while other fast food places didn't use real ice cream in their shakes. Now they do, but they still aren't as good as Jack. And agreed that In N Out fries suck. I like the fact they're freshly cut and healthier though. Also animal style fries are good.

  4. krystal.bmp



    This place is a mess. I only ate here once, the one in Savannah... how come we were the only ones there but could only find one table since all the others had trash on them? Why the fuck was the fat black chick that worked there walking all slow to deliver our food? How come all the workers looked like they had low morale? Why is the hamburger meat grey, and why does it have holes in them? Why are the "hamburger buns" really just dinner rolls?

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