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Posts posted by ribcage22

  1. most of these people givin you bullshit advice


    vets the most you can do for a throwie is bite the shit out of other people and then turn it into your own style


    no no no no no no.


    this kid is a faggot. you bite throwies and go paint them your gonna get your head stomped in.


    he bites any and everything like a toy faggot, but has probably never painted(at least anything decent) so he doesnt know the consequences. hes an internet artist who sucks dick

  2. government reps are trustees and not delegates. The original creators of our government made it this way because at the time the people who had opinions were intelligent and wise, and didnt rule based on passion, but what was best for the country because of how much they had invested in it.


    Now the people who rule this country do it rule based on whats best for themself, they have the ability to act as a "trustee" but have distorted priorities. Most have nothing invested in the country, except for their name in politics.


    Idk what these protests are accomplishing? I dont get it? What does it do for anyone? What did shutting down the port in oakland accomplish? All I can think of is disruption of a major cash flow into oakland. How does stopping money coming into our city help it?

  3. thanks for the pic dump, really cool to see, and I cant believe that BAKS is still rockin!!!!!!


    Yeah, was kind of dissapointed on the style of the work on there now, but after looking at it again some of it is still pretty fuckin good, so I shouldnt talk down about it. I just think the stuff on the back of the tent building right now seriously lacks that indy/chicago flowy style like most of the stuff on there before...


    I think i'll be making a trip out there in may... I really want to get some painting in, I miss all the brick.

  4. dope flicks. keep these spots a secret.


    who does it need to be a secret from? lol hoppefully not from writers, spots like the ones here are the kind of shit a writer (good or bad) needs to see. Mad inspiring.


    Keep secret from popo and knocks...bums and crackheads too

  5. I was also wondering if there is any pics of DRAT floating around. I remember my first trip out there I would see his throws and straights EVERYWHERE. Then my next trip back I was told he got locked up... any1 got pics, or maybe the archive of this thread has some?

    ^^^bump this, im tryina see some pics if they out there...


    @illskillet is there any photos?








    took this pic from across the street, Idk if the graff on the other side is legal or not, but there was some burners on the building over there too


  6. Oh, and I just searched the tent wall and found this little gallery of whats on it now...




    I am kinda dissapointed whats on this wall now. That wildstyle burner that was behind the razprwire that I got a poor flick of is gone. It was super inspirational to me when I started truly writing. I think whats on those walls now lacks that amazing graffiti vibe that it once had. Im sure whatever was on their originally was the best, but the quality of work on there now has gone waaay down... its unfortunate to see amazing art covered by not so amazing art

  7. O wow, yeah im not a local, got family on the south side and I havent been back there since I took those pics. So I dont know the history. A lot of the people who painted over there I was told were chicago-nians.


    I was also wondering if there is any pics of DRAT floating around. I remember my first trip out there I would see his throws and straights EVERYWHERE. Then my next trip back I was told he got locked up... any1 got pics, or maybe the archive of this thread has some?

  8. yeah man, the little extras or kicks on the R A and H were put on as I was outlining cause I fucked up on R so I put em on. Shoulda made them all on the same leg...


    that style is pretty much the only thing I ever paint on steel, I almost always just do some variation of those letters, so ill keep that in mind...

  9. I go for the cheapest shit that doesnt look like its for the homeless. Why the fuck would you pay an extra dollar for a name brand rubber that your gonna cum in and throw away?!


    Yall ever use a color condom? I get the black ones for when im fuckin a white girl to make my dick look bigger, and a bright color blue for the youngins.


    "Oh whats that? you dont want to fuck?! But my dick matches your dress!"

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  10. yeah, I post there all the time cause I can get on it on my phone. I posted on this site back in the day, but after I started getting harassed by police I deleted everything I ever posted, even just chit chat. Decided to revive the account. Its been 3 years almost 4

  11. the last is the most recent of the bunch, did it a few months ago, the other ones are from my first book ever, oldest at the top


    I did these two this weekend, first 1 was a ballpoint freestyle I decided to color



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