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Bindar Dundat

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Posts posted by Bindar Dundat

  1. No, you don't know me, because I don't have a dead end job at all. You know people who chill with me? That's fucking great! Feel special? They think I'm a fag but still continue to chill with me? Must be some pretty big pussies then, or they must have no lives if they chill with people they don't even like.


    Wow big surprise, people paint graffiti because it makes them feel good! Jesus, school's obviously paying off for you. Where would the world be without such forward-thinkers.


    I don't remember every person who's hand that I've shaken, but I understand it was probably one of the highlights of your dull life.


    I'm gonna go smoke a bowl right now, and you're on the wrong forum if you think people are at all anti-weed, and anti-drugs around here.


    Keep trying failure, I'm done responding to you.



  2. I think you've got it backwards, you're the one asking around and recieving fake information about me. Home depot? Never worked there a day in my life, but like I said before, if it makes you feel better about yourself, great!


    Looks like you really need the self-esteem boost, since you never got up or rocked burners, and since you spend your free time attempting to piss off strangers.





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