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Bindar Dundat

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Posts posted by Bindar Dundat

  1. Good excuse!


    uh, not. the lack of muiltiple spots in the city to hit freights is what should be keeping kids off them until they been in the game a minute.


    Another good prerequisite would be the ability to paint burners, perhaps. Seems like thats not the case these days.

  2. not directed at clever but ^he's got a point, I was taught that you get to paint freights after you've paid your dues. I'm glad I waited as long as I did, probably could have waited longer.


    I hate the mentality of "if it pisses you off then good, thats what Im going for"


    Wouldn't be alot more worthwhile to listen to these "rules" out of mutual respect for fellow writers then get noticed for having a good head on your shoulders, instead of looking like some punk with a hard on for destruction?


    Whatever, no one gives a shit anymore apparently.


    "It's all just vandalism" yeah, more and more everyday...

  3. Did you misread me? I said thousands have done BETTER than I have, I don't even think I know a thousand names, but thats a random figure considering I don't know every cities writers and history. the obvious ones from just ottawa include alpheratz, inp, aes, daser, evoke, plus loads of other sick canadian, and international writers.


    Yeah, I'm pretty sure you read my post the wrong way, or if you don't think there's at the very least a thousand writers better than me, thanks for the compliment I guess?


    anyone else feel like adding their opinion? might as well at this point



    stolen from the mtl thread


  4. a u2u from "elzor"

    Its funny cause all I did was troll your dumb ass, and you got hella mad. I moved to ******( another city) for university over a year ago. You keep writing, and I'll get my B.Sc in civil engineering. When we are both done, and you got nothing but some flicks and I'm making 80 - 100+ k a year, we'll see whos in the position to talk. Have fun with that career at home depot though. Best of luck.


    P.S thanks for providing me with some entertainment for a bit, this differential calculus is kicking my ass.



    (home depot?)


    good luck not writing and some how feeling superior retard, you're obvious the first writer in history with other responsibilities.



    so there it is eh, degree's from a school are the new whole cars and burners apparently, that's what really counts in graffiti, painting is just for us suckers.

  5. wow, you must be so proud of yourself, talking shit from a fake account miles away. who's the retard?


    Yeah I reposted some shit, so do you even have anything that compares? probably not, or you wouldn't be such a pussy with the screen name.


    I know thousands of people have done better shit than I have, but this is all directed to a few specific people from ottawa who I know for a fact haven't put in as much work, but act like they've been burning shit for a decade.

    • Like 1
  6. yeah, I used to suck, just like everyone else. your point?


    by the way, that day i didn't just walk up to tech and decide to paint it, sirus, caner and I ran into cens prank and skron, and we we're all too lazy to go anywhere else in the insane cold. Definitely some of the worst shit I ever painted, but shit happens.


    Let's see some of your current work



    still hiding behind screen names and trying so hard. wow

  7. Gero, much respect to what you have done in the last few years, but if you don't plan to stomp anyone over this shit and you just feel like bitching, shut the fuck up. You are a tiny little bitch, any of these kids could bitch slap you. You act like you never made a mistake or painted somewhere stupid but you have, so eat a dick. Punk.


    I sure have painted over shit I shouldn't have, just ask pes and cer. But that shit got settled, and now we're friends. Misunderstandings happen, but I never bombed over older heads just because, "I wanted to hold down my spot".


    Make up your damn mind "respect to you blah blah, but eat a dick, punk"


    riiiight, go find your own drama, and quit hiding behind screen names.

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