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Bindar Dundat

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Everything posted by Bindar Dundat

  1. ATTENTION OTTAWA A few Hull writers are apparently planning on "taking back their territory". Should be quite a laugh, since Ottawa writers paint more graff in hull than they do.
  2. you fucking idiot jaces, don't post that shit
  3. Wow. Sick production iker and asob, real nice colours.
  4. Oh, kyever.... i didnt think it was intentional
  5. Uh yeah, it says A1, the name of the fucking car.... and i thought writers came to this forum
  6. You need to retake high school geography^
  7. The plot thickens.... seriously though, wow...
  9. Mouse is the UP pics too. stolen thank dtr if one of these is yours
  10. hahaha 'moacr', was that on purpose?
  11. I guess this is the official fail thread now..
  12. Nah, its not royal Still runnin too, last time I checked
  13. I'm pretty sure that's quantum one quantum bombed a bunch of characters in the early 2000's then disappeared, as far as I know
  14. We sure will, considering you still won't man up and say who you are. See you then! :lol: :lol:
  15. No, you don't know me, because I don't have a dead end job at all. You know people who chill with me? That's fucking great! Feel special? They think I'm a fag but still continue to chill with me? Must be some pretty big pussies then, or they must have no lives if they chill with people they don't even like. Wow big surprise, people paint graffiti because it makes them feel good! Jesus, school's obviously paying off for you. Where would the world be without such forward-thinkers. I don't remember every person who's hand that I've shaken, but I understand it was probably one of the highlights of your dull life. I'm gonna go smoke a bowl right now, and you're on the wrong forum if you think people are at all anti-weed, and anti-drugs around here. Keep trying failure, I'm done responding to you.
  16. I think you've got it backwards, you're the one asking around and recieving fake information about me. Home depot? Never worked there a day in my life, but like I said before, if it makes you feel better about yourself, great! Looks like you really need the self-esteem boost, since you never got up or rocked burners, and since you spend your free time attempting to piss off strangers.
  17. You're an idiot if you think you speak for the whole city. Post up your real work pussy. I bet you won't though because it's pretty obvious you were a failure at graffiti, just like you are at life.
  18. Wow, what a concept... you're saying people start out shitty, then get better? No fuckin way! Thats pure genius right there.
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