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Posts posted by penguinabc123

  1. wow, your guys are good, im a little intimidated now lol,


    alts im liking your stuff lots. that character beside the simple is kewl.

    grower maybee the middle ofyou 'w' you could do something different, it sticks out a bit, the rest is sick.

    vire-i think your drop shadow is off at the bottom of the I, but it might be me,

    aristotle - maybee bring the heart part of the R lower so its end is just above the bottom part of the E.

    vedo - i like it except the little stick part on the O,


    k thats enough i think, heres mine. i write JIST, excuse the dull pencil,eraser marks, and shitty photo, thanks!


  2. hey guys i thought id share,


    picked up some grog ink - the pink one,


    i shouldve known better but it is weak shit. it fades in the sun after like 4 days, weak weak weak.


    i see everyone talking about different shit to put in inks but i dont really understand much of it or where to even get it.


    any suggestions for something to put in the ink i have? i usually make paint mixes so im not to with it for ink. but i alreayd know better than to use brake fluid.


    hopefully i dont get flammed to bad for this....

  3. hey guys, i did a quick search for this but i couldnt find any information on it, only people bitching about it,


    stealth ink. i was thinking of picking some up.

    i am having trouble finding reviews. the youtube videos show like one clip of someone using it and its timelapse, the website doesnt saymuch, same with oinkltd.


    i was hoping maybee someones used it and can tell me if its worth it or is it just a gimmick (well im sure its a gimmick to some extent)



  4. sorry, i only saw the INK RECEPIE super thread.


    i didnt really have a question about the way this ink was made, so i figured it didnt belong there.

    theres also paint super threads but threads for things like ironlak so i figured this would be fine.

    obviously not, point taken. thanks.

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