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Everything posted by mind617

  1. yea man plus was the shit, dont sleep freak theres still some shit riding here n there (RIP)
  2. vancouver flipped theyre cars cause they finally realized what losers they really are. had nothing to do with hockey, lol
  3. this where i think it is?? good shit
  4. shit is mad gay stop looking for validation. N hell yea, when theres a forum full of cats who dont know eachother n one kid comes n tells a story bout how he got robbed, thats a herb....postin flicks of "your boys shit" that has "flow (that was laughable)" is a herb, stop that shit. everyone knows you post in the 3rd person like a sucker tryin to spark a convo on how that anka shit aint that bad....smh you aint gonna get where you want...just be a fan n stop trying so fucking hard....smh
  5. mosk your joints show steady progression, get freak to practice one clean line, instaead of sketchy outline n both of yall will be iight,
  6. @ uncle d, you stay herbin yourself chill out
  7. more cornballs commin out of hiding
  8. didnt know what that was til you mentioned it. and its somthing im working on with another regular poster in this forum..
  9. mosk, get out n paint, this spot is beat n the onlystuff ive seen from you is there. your stuff ok, but get out of that spot, causejust cause you can paint a piece dont make you a writer ya know. my crits aint for your letters its about your placement....freak too.get spots.
  10. my niggas n niggaettes!
  11. its been a bit fellas. some errors i had to work through but i didnt scrap it
  12. its been a long time, i shouldnta left you...
  13. no point in doin all the arguing online, if its not gonna be settled, but this aint my shit i guess, so i wont speak on it any more. but do you. i have more important things in my life aswell red, but i mean we're all men at the end of the day...even the women are men, lol. jk, but seriously if i was you id be lookin to handle it , instead of airing it out online (not that yall are gettin into specific details, but you know what i mean).
  14. nah i man, that some corny ish right there, ya'll 2 battle to settle your beef, period. not any of this lets choose a word crap, or sketch, get in the street n keep it real....at the end of the day someones gotta show n prove, keep it hood, keep it legit, n most importantly GO ALL OUT. seriously dont half step, next thing shakens gonna have you delt with holmes....id really like to see one of ya'll bust out your illest piece, ill say this much , if ONE of you dont go at it like your life depends on it, all i can do if hope for the rest of your career. Keepo it dirty n come out swinging with weapons!
  15. yo shaken & red. ya'll should battle. seperate pieces on wall, or on paper, get it done
  16. id post the rest of that wall, but is not toy at all....
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