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Everything posted by mind617

  1. yea man plus was the shit, dont sleep freak theres still some shit riding here n there (RIP)
  2. shit is mad gay stop looking for validation. N hell yea, when theres a forum full of cats who dont know eachother n one kid comes n tells a story bout how he got robbed, thats a herb....postin flicks of "your boys shit" that has "flow (that was laughable)" is a herb, stop that shit. everyone knows you post in the 3rd person like a sucker tryin to spark a convo on how that anka shit aint that bad....smh you aint gonna get where you want...just be a fan n stop trying so fucking hard....smh
  3. @ uncle d, you stay herbin yourself chill out
  4. more cornballs commin out of hiding
  5. decy can ya hook a kid up with a lil color??? lmao
  6. wtf does the booze do to your brain lmao
  7. ill hook you up with another one, i got lazy kid...
  8. there was no need to re quote all that sry
  9. zennegen is right , all yall should take the convo to channel zero
  10. that ment ghost is garbage , bump ment AEA boston!! lol
  11. mind617


    thats perrrrrrty
  12. mind617


    damn man, good looks kid...n the rest of yall too
  13. mind617


    i know what ya mean man...just where im from a throw like that can be considered a lil gimmikly
  14. mind617


    not pretty but w/e i wanted to contribute
  15. freakys still wet behind the ears, talkin bout old, lest u prob older hahaha
  16. NO! ....please dont...owait...too late..
  17. yea burn those power ranger bed sheets....i mean, unless you need em to still sleep in
  18. look out 5-9 he might crush that one lol
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