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Everything posted by benadryl

  1. Thats the juce man, i dont see how those too look the same at all
  2. hey uncledonny its cool you contribute but dont post your own stuff and talk about it in third person
  3. so you dissed a real writers dead letter with a throw up i cant read to get internet fame? but im lost that its not beef , im reallyy fuckking lost like but anyways stick to selfpromo online and capping people that are better than you. im sure youll have your own thread in a month
  4. this kid was that young traveling to different states\ hat young rip munik
  5. Re: Maine Funk yeaaa turddl
  6. thats funny never seen anything painted from you in boston
  7. benadryl


    are you serious skinny lines with fat tops give me a break its graffiti augor didnt invent anything he just pushes styles to extremes so people associate the style being his, and no i have no relation to this other kid just saying
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