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Everything posted by ED REED

  1. this the dumbest thing i've ever heard
  2. ED REED


    playboy bunny b :lol:
  3. :D hahahaha, hate to say i told you so
  4. ED REED


    great dyst freight, was it caught on the 29th?
  5. if you dont paint a church because your afraid of god, then you shouldn't fuck anything up that isnt yours. I bet your god wouldnt like you ruining your neighbors corner store. My opinion is churches are one of the most thieving organizations out there, paint that shit! :hatred:
  6. Why wouldnt you tag a church if it was a good spot. I don't understand why people care about that. Its just another piece of concrete and brick. Bump that rei
  7. ED REED


    GOD DAMN!! That Later and Eli is hot. Nice work!
  8. man, another fedor loss, hate to say i told ya so. but i told ya so:lol:
  9. ED REED


    bump all the 666 shit.
  10. ED REED


    haha, not ride, that's scar kos. This thread is too funny right now.
  11. ED REED


    trying to put this to a point without disrespect as well. You obviously did alot in the early days, however you havent been relevant to baltimore in a long time, graffiti wise. KOS has been doing it for a long time and is still doing it, in the streets, on walls, and trains. They deserve alot of credit for baltimore graffiti. Don't underestimate freights. Like you said, this is a business, and KOS is good at advertising, on a national level. Just my opinion. Amer BS
  12. ED REED


    funny how people make new accounts to talk shit. come on, 2 and 3 posts for those bitches hatin on erge.
  13. ED REED


    why did you document the progression of that dogshit with multiple photographs. :confused:
  14. ED REED


    I dont see how thats a V or an L. Just sayin.
  15. ED REED


    what does this prove? You can sneak around and paint something for one night? Everyone on here automatically thinks they're a "gangsta" cause they go to the hood and do a shitty throw and then drive away. Put in ten years, that's how you get real credit
  16. ED REED


    Who is this kid? What a fucking joke.
  17. ED REED


    Is this really worth posting?
  18. ED REED


    this thread is horrible.
  19. doesnt mean anything really, you pay the money, you can train there. I'm pretty sure he is gonna do well in the season though.
  20. bj is washed up? He just cant beat edgar. He ruled that division 2 fights ago.
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