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Everything posted by Vuitton

  1. yes to true, yea kgb didnt start off with there own style, but have you seen what mach, yes only mach has been doing laterly? he has developed it into his own style, funky burner walls with funky panels to add. he might be not the most liked writer out there, but he deserves credit for the shit he has done, and evolved. 70's retro shit is gay. as i said before, things being more accessible in this era makes writers lazy, you can just buy your ink, you got now cap adapters for exports/like tins, no need to explore graffiti yourself as there is the internet. i guess there are benefits and downfalls for the internet, but its weighting more towards the negatives.
  2. fuckin oath. agree with this and the one before this. sydney mind you has now become crab capital, mateys in bris have also said after the floods happened all the toys who jumped onto the trains there are now trying shit, hopefully the maincunts hold it down cause they have for a long time! sydney is a great place for graff, its a mixture of streets/tracks/trains/walls but the easy access of tools have made it to easy to go out and do pieces before even getting approved that your decent. i aint no old writer, but ive done my thing, and still doing things, i use to get told how shit i am while i was still in school by older writers, YOU SHOULD QUIT BLAH BLAH! was never really into sketching till abit later, id ask older cunts for there recipes for ink, NAH MATE FIND YOUR OWN, took me yr+ to make my own. id ask for legal spots, fukin legal spots ffs, NAH MATE FUKIN DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! this went on for about 2 yrs, start of my 3rd yr was when i did my first piece i was happy with, since then i try do a better piece then before. the kids who have started now i think have to much availability, spots use to be secrets on the "in" would know. now half of sydney knows a p spot and have the STN. this use to be prized possessions, to get shit like the booklet, niggers would emergency brake trains and hope into the guardie to get the 2 week book as they have to release it. sydney needs to find its form again cause its good scene that has gone to shithouse
  3. fukwits like you should be ran over by a train. id gladly see it first hand with your head half hanging and blood squirting all over your once called torso.
  4. why hate on bris? bris is probably one city that burns the fuk out of ever city in australia, and has a community where all the main writers mostly all know each and respect each other putting a hold on qld where there are more burners doing proper shit then toys. where in sydney, you got no main strong hold, or any old schoolers to help the scene at all. you got toys from everywhere painting trains, not knowing to do duties before earning that urn. frustrates me where this scene is such a selfish scene where everyone is out for themselves, where in qld they combine to do pieces/panels. spots are owned and only thing you need to do is ask. all you cunts need to wake up and learn before criticising/hating a scene which is well advanced of sydneys.
  5. toy? crap? thats a pretty decent love panel by t**s, this guy i bet my money has done more shit here in aus and overseas and gets my respect. lets see if your a fallen soldier who just talks shit.
  6. http://jackwellelectric.com.au/images/floodtimes-9.jpg http://jackwellelectric.com.au/images/floodtimes-12.jpg http://jackwellelectric.com.au/images/floodtimes-13.jpg http://jackwellelectric.com.au/images/floodtimes-14.jpg http://jackwellelectric.com.au/images/floodtimes-15.jpg http://jackwellelectric.com.au/images/floodtimes-16.jpg
  7. http://jackwellelectric.com.au/images/floodtimes-10.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5204/5353332489_3697269aab_b.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5281/5353333465_89d4721dc9_z.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5170/5353947180_3f9845de64_z.jpg http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5203/5353946842_9e3732c2d0_z.jpg
  8. how is it cheating? they aint dead trains, there live trains, trains were told to stop where ever they were. theres km's of trains on the lines, isles and isles at stations. its the same thing as painting something in a yard, so how it is cheating? im sure if it happened here flock of writers would be doing the same thing with cunts from interstate trying to have there fun as well.
  9. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lewtviNhCl1qdc80zo1_500.jpg http://www.ilovegraffiti.de/lars/2011/01/12/brisbane-floods/ http://twitpic.com/3pifov if anyone else has more flicks of whats going on in BRIS post here. it's fucking crazy over there!
  10. seems like kids these days are more about copying magazines and style then trying to make there own and define letters....
  11. oh your redhotzzz brahhh nah his bro the dam laddddddd....
  12. its funnny how you say, yea there out there doing shit HAHAHA, they havent done anything trackwise for half a yr, or any new bombing. there pathetic.
  13. Your missing a few big names from sydney who absolutely run/ran shit overseas.
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