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Posts posted by OLD_STYLE

  1. People Who (continued):


    - Where clothing on their back.

    - Where Aluminium chloride, aluminium chlorohydrate, and aluminium-zirconium compounds, most notably Aluminium zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly and Aluminium zirconium trichlorohydrex gly A.K.A. Deodorant under their arms.

    - Are missing their toenail on the middle toe of their left foot.

    - Smell like soup

    - Smell like Shampoo

    - Appears to be part of a rare species which has been known to have evolved from primates otherwise known as homosapiens

  2. Re: Immigration Status


    Deporting an illegal who is in prison for a serious crime isn't smart, they'll probably be back.


    It would be better to deport them and require them to serve the rest of their term in a Mexican prison. I wonder if the US could actually impose that on the Mexican gov.?

  3. Re: Immigration Status


    While I agree with conservatives on most issues, small government etc. I completely disagree with them when it comes to immigration. I've argued with them many times, and after you dig deep you find out most of them have a deep hatred for Mexican food and the Spanish language. Their anger seems to be aimed at the illegals themselves instead of blaming the government. The gov. btw has much more to blame for this mess than most people realize. As a first generation immigrant I have grown up to watch many family members struggle to become citizens. The process is horrible; time consuming and expensive. You have to hire lawyers and the process takes sometimes up to 20 yrs! I cant help but believe that the process is purposefully setup to be slow (it would fit right into the NAU agenda lol).


    Then we have the deportations themselves. My family and countless others have gone through horrible experiences with family members being deported, arrested in the middle of the night, basically kidnapping them, martial law in Hispanic neighborhoods in Chicago for random "paper" checks with soldiers armed with AKs blocking streets and closing malls. My uncle is currently serving 3 years in high security federal prison somewhere in the middle of nowhere for getting caught here illegally.


    So I have to say that amnesty is the only solution, not only would it benefit the economy by allowing them to pay for their own public services, but it would also get rid of this police state we have in America under the excuse that immigrants have no rights. Those same people that want less of a police state, smaller government, and eliminate the welfare system oppose amnesty when it alleviates all those problems!!! When amnesty is added along with securing the borders we have a good plan that puts pressure on the Mexican Gov. to keep their criminals in their own prisons, and expect greater penalties for anyone crossing illegaly.

  4. Immigration Status


    There is no doubt that this country needs immigration reform. The number is like more than 12 million now for illegal aliens in the US i believe? The problem is that most Republicans don't want any of them hear for paranoid racist reasons and Democrats want them all here plus open the borders


    Personally I believe that working people who are illegal and have not commited any crimes besides crossing the border should be given full amnesty, allowed to pay their own taxes, and have their children also given citizenship with threat of deportation if they commit a crime (among other guidelines they would have to follow). All illegals currently in U.S. prisons should be deported immediately, no reason to be spending millions a year keeping them. Borders should be completely secure, and border patrol should be given more funds and more man power.



  5. I graduated on stage with the rest of my class in June..... but i still dont have my HS diploma because i failed that bullshit ass class English 1. I am currently in the process of finishing it by mail.


    Once Im done with that Il get my Associate's in graphic/web design and I'm off to NY.

  6. After finishing up a burner or piece I realize that I have gone through at least 5 caps sometimes in one day. Which got me thinking about how many caps have I thrown away in my life... could be near thousands?


    Anyways, does anyone do anything with their old caps besides throwing them away, like keeping them, collecting them, use them to make something interesting?



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