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Posts posted by |O__________o|-robojones

  1. BURRRR!!!!

    Oh dear lord! I really think I'm going to freeze to death one of these days! gaa! sooooo cold! My fingertips are like ice! I need something warm to hold onto! ...NO ICKY THOUGHTS! I so didn't even mean it like that! So, today was a pretty ok day. If you want to read about it in more detail, go read my journal on my tagged page: http://www.tagged.com/mypage.html?uid=253250 yah..So, I'm gunna maybe get some sleep tonight and try to warm my hands up...

  2. ok, so we dont have school tomorrow, which is awesome! then aleisha paula and I went to the "battle of the bands" thingy at like 7. it was actually pretty good....ok so 2 of the like 5 bands were good, but there was a good view! heh....yah THE hott guy was there! mmmm......so much seksynesss! yah...and he was dancing like RIGHT behind me! oo, "sue" was also there....but hes not so hott anymore. and then when we were leaving we saw "steve" walking outside!!!! it was soooo random!!!! dude, aleisha and i have the most random luck ever! so, yah.....thats about it....toodles all!

  3. 3 dollars for amazingly delicious food with ingredients you can't even pronounce and are full of toxins and absolutely zero nutritional value but you could care less because its the greatest drunk food ever made!

    Now that's what I call a deal!!:)

















  4. whats it like living in 2003?




    warm and useful when its cold snowing and windy?


    its also kind of a military brat thing i never grew out of and a homage to midwest kansas city mo/gary indiana /chicago roots

  5. isnt there a hat thread in duty free?


    unless you want to get up close and personal with r@ndomheroes wardrobe its..










    that'd be cool if a few threads got moved from untitled and duty free for a minute and then moved back to generate traffic though

    and i live in my jeep cap's


  6. no but you are in the wrong thread by a mile...go elsewhere


    no joke... if the last week was any indication i might get suddenly motivated and red your ass like hellraiser.



    end of discussion in this thread cause i'll be damned if it gets fagged up like the orry one.. you can use the pm if you want but i dont care enough anymore, i just thought it was interesting in passing

  7. 2cs8ew9.jpg


    i'm baffled to no end by this.



    remember the original prop thread?

    the goal was to get 12 tic tacs.

    i remember it took me almost two months to get the amount that dude got in a week.

    not only that but he went from 2 tampons to this in 8 days.


    not makin a stink but wow wtf?

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