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Posts posted by grd

  1. 5j6Ca.jpg




    I love it when animals cwtch.


    Ruby is growing super fast but doesn't sit still long enough to take pictures unless she's sleeping.




    This is my friends Presa Canario, three weeks older than Ruby, already the size of a small horse and adorable with it.



  2. I stream everything from watchseries.eu(props again to BBS). I can't remember the last time I torrented a show.


    I'm not sure I remember a masked character at the end but I'm pretty sure Harrow stayed behind with Jimmy's mum and the kid. I think he knew Jimmy was gonna die after he saw Jimmy left his dog tags with the kid, so maybe he did follow him...I'd like season 3 to start with Harrow shooting them all.

  3. My family get me, I got cash money as well as the usual girl stuff of perfume, Lush bath stuff, Chanel make up and booze. My dada won and got me weed. I also got an awkwardly sweet gift from my ex and Rollins tickets from my buddy.

  4. Dear James Cagney,


    I missed him and I'm super jealous you got to see him, what did he play? I've been poorly sick bad so I've been slacking on gigs, I've missed a ton of people I wanted to see the last few weeks alone :(

    Just got given tickets for Rollins' spoken word next month which kinda makes up for missing a few gigs this year.


    - grdinnit



    Dear Decy,


    I know one of the brothers that owns/is a chef at Gemelli's, cake discount wooo. They take it to a whole other level innit. I'd stab a granny in the neck with a biro for the hazelnut/cherry cake.


    - grdinnit



    Dear friend,


    I know I got all emo fag and soppy tonight but I meant every fucking word. You are appreciated,


    - me



    last but not least...


    Dear dears and people of oontz,


    I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and that Santa brings you everything you require and desire!


    Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!!


    - grd

  5. Man Dies After Eating Cocaine From His Brother's Butt




    The two brothers, 23-year-old Deangelo Rashard Mitchell and 20-year-old Wayne Mitchell, were taken into custody on allegations they had drugs in their car. While in the back of the police car, the older brother convinced the younger brother to eat cocaine, which he had hidden in his rectum.


    The in-car police video showed Deangelo pleading with his younger brother to eat the cocaine so that he could avoid a life-long prison sentence. His young brother eventually agreed, and died of a drug overdose shortly afterwards.






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