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Everything posted by samsung1080p

  1. u fuckin serious ??? ever heard of howard stern ??? this is ny rite...............................
  2. dope ugly throwy.joce,seir,ero ttb howd he get all the way up there ? kos
  3. got this cock sucker workin again........................K O S.
  4. IN..............................YOUR............................FACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. wish yall would have let me kno u guys were mobbin around.ida joined
  6. mouthy little bugger,aint ya.who said ne thing about being "approved"? . guess no one should say a thing...except for you , who seems to comment on everything.and hey,dont apologize for what u think is cool.too each his own little guy
  7. ^we ALL cant be wise beyond our years...
  8. i aint gona call no one out......but sum of those are really bad.my opinion
  9. bump both them boards......demon 202 n that whole wall.and pear aswell.
  10. yo a.v.b., good pics yo! if you got a scanner , come thru.i got mad old pics aswell.bump caspa n moka...kos
  11. good fuckin post a.v.b. lets see more
  12. my shits broke.bump jazi
  14. ^^^^^is that the same ways?? that shits good n never heard of them crews.and the spot seems suspect.just askn
  15. n bump nordicson ...my man,bloks....learn yur part as of this moment in time.mite take you far.if ya do that
  16. see,this is why i hate the internet ,i cant tell if hes bein a smartass or not.look kid, u seem to know whats up.so mind yur pees n ques.n dont think everyone on here is SO stupid.it might help u go along waY.mite not
  17. howd i know you would respond to that ? its called sarcasm kid.get a life
  18. I KNOW that vandel is photoshopped....i hope you didnt fall for it. caspa definetly does his thing,but ya guys should probly just drop it.no disrespect to either of you
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