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Everything posted by My_Sweet_Addiction

  1. I have a lot of good flicks of that Czar & Rude13 spot, as a matter of fact I think that happens to be my picture anyways
  2. Thanks for posting those, I didn't have the time or energy to convert them from flickr.
  3. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2649/3733867099_08a603e6f0_b.jpg Just go to the link, I don't have time to fix it right now.
  4. Right on top of the spot so had some akwards angles.
  5. Right on top of the spot so had some akwards angles.
  6. That's it for tonight! What's up with this thread anyways, no one posts anymore. bummer
  7. ^^^^ No, That's Rogers Park, Over somewhere deep in the rainforest... I think?
  8. because they didn't ask you to put any of your shit on one. Every good bomber from the city had a part in that, if you're so dope post your "bombin" flicks. I bet you don't even know what bombin is
  9. You are just mad that no one ever wants your shit in a gallery, don't hate on the ones who made it
  10. The first three shots are from the A.Okay Cta Gallery thing, I wish I could have gotten more pictures but there were to many heads there, does anyone have any of the other trains? This last was is my friend Larry, I fould him drunk and disorderly passed out laying up against a garage door over by Uprise, Still wondering who made him?
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