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Posts posted by McLovin

  1. i was actually just thinking about how UNTRUE this is,

    like literally the other day. it doesnt matter where the

    money's going, its completely matters where/how its coming in.


    in this economy, and in this LIFE, a dollar is getting harder

    and harder to come by, no ones spending, no ones offering

    any help, the gap between rich and poor has widened into

    a hopeless chasm thats only getting wider and were left over

    here scrambling for whatevers left. its like a poker game where

    one asshole took most of the money and cashed out, leaving

    the rest of the table just trying to get at whatever small stacks

    are left on the table.


    that being said, yeah, saving your money and making sensible

    purchases, both in terms of how they benefit you and how they

    benefit the rest of the community, wont hurt.. but it wont save you either.


    If you haven't read Bastiat's "tale of the 2 brothers" you should.

  2. "It's not how much you make but how much you spend"


    something an older gentlemen told me today.. we were talking about saving money and stuff like that.. he said his father told that to him a lot when he was growing up. It's good to keep things simple and not have to many things. Keep life simple and don't over complicate everything

  3. Re: ex-cop on cop killing spree in CA (R.I.P. Christopher Dormer)


    all this would make a good film.. read the manifesto


    my favorite part


    "I’m not an aspiring rapper, I’m not a gang member, I’m not a dope dealer, I don’t have multiple babies momma’s. I am an American by choice, I am a son, I am a brother, I am a military service member, I am a man who has lost complete faith in the system, when the system betrayed, slandered, and libeled me."

    & he's name dropping like a motherfucker. just letting loose on how corrupt the system is. I like it.


    I know the dude was nuts but RIP to him and his victims. It's all really fucking unfortunate and could have been avoided in so many ways.




    I saw some of the most vile things humans can inflict on others as a police officer in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, it wasn’t in the streets of LA. It was in the confounds of LAPD police stations and shops (cruisers). The enemy combatants in LA are not the citizens and suspects, it’s the police officers.



    Citizens/non-combatants, do not render medical aid to downed officers/enemy combatants. They would not do the same for you. They will let you bleed out just so they can brag to other officers that they had a 187 caper the other day and can’t wait to accrue the overtime in future court subpoenas. As they always say, “that’s the paramedics job…not mine”. Let the balance of loss of life take place. Sometimes a reset needs to occur.


    It is endless the amount of times per week officers arrest an individual, label him a suspect-arrestee-defendant and then before arraignment or trial realize that he is innocent based on evidence. You know what they say when they realize an innocent man just had his life turned upside down?. “I guess he should have stayed at home that day he was discovered walking down the street and matching the suspects description. Oh well, he appeared to be a dirtbag anyways”. Meanwhile the falsely accused is left to pick up his life, get a new, family, friends, and sense of self worth.


    Don’t honor these fallen officers/dirtbags. When your family members die, they just see you as extra overtime at a crime scene and at a perimeter. Why would you value their lives when they clearly don’t value yours or your family members lives? I’ve heard many officers who state they see dead victims as ATV’s, Waverunners, RV’s and new clothes for their kids.


    Why would you shed a tear for them when they in return crack a smile for your loss because of the impending extra money they will receive in their next paycheck for sitting at your loved ones crime scene of 6 hours because of the overtime they will accrue. They take photos of your loved ones recently deceased bodies with their cellphones and play a game of who has the most graphic dead body of the night with officers from other divisions.

  4. The law locks up the man or woman

    Who steals the goose from off the common

    But leaves the greater villain loose

    Who steals the common from off the goose.


    The law demands that we atone

    When we take things we do not own

    But leaves the lords and ladies fine

    Who take things that are yours and mine.


    The poor and wretched don’t escape

    If they conspire the law to break;

    This must be so but they endure

    Those who conspire to make the law.


    The law locks up the man or woman

    Who steals the goose from off the common

    And geese will still a common lack

    Till they go and steal it back.


    (Unknown Author)

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