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Posts posted by sneekatoke

  1. awzk - you need to start with simples. I can see your letters, but the structure is crap, the consistancy of the letters does not match up, and the random cut-ins and extensions make it look worse.


    twyst - your fills are always dope. i like your fill on this one as well, but the letter structure is out there. you should refine that but make it symmetrical, it could be the bidness then...


    sech - so glad you lost those wtf arrows, lookin better, id work on makin your extensions make a little more sense...

  2. Speak - i wouldnt try philly hands yet man, id get some simpler steez first...


    Shaken - that sybils pretty cool, but id put a thicker outline on the violet, like you normally do..


    D4 - sane, right? id prolly not write that, but id work a little more on letter structure. its not horrible but its not good either...

  3. moar bookz...

    theres random arrows, your lines are shaky, and letter structure is weak and inconsistant.

    i'd focus on...



    ...and save your pricey paintz for better renditions of your work.

  4. So, I bought a sketchpad; nothing special, just a cheap sketchpad from the Dollar Tree. I get it home, and I start filling it with simples; I had about 20 simples in it, and I was working on another. Guess what happens next. My Mom, spills her drink on it when checking out some of my work. Welch's Grape Juice all over my sketchpad; 20 simples down the drain; ruined.


    I was compiling a bunch of good ones for a post to show that I've been working at them, and now I have nothing. Shit, son; back to square one.



    How's everybody been?


    sucks man,

    but at least it was simples. simples are more for your own improvement and basically getting used to drawing clean letters... so your simples weren't for nothing...and just go over the grape soda...

  5. ... please do yourself a favour and leave 12oz for a while and go fill about 2 or 3 a4 pads with simples..



    people have let you know that you need to do simples or something ...but you keep posting the same stuff everywhere.

  6. way better vossy!!

    id widen the bottom y extention bar, and round those points on the s's and y (or make points on the v maybe o)...

    ..clean up your lines a little, make them a little more consistant..



    but thats lookin way better..

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