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Everything posted by keepsicks

  1. Never post on here so i didnt know where i was supposed to put it.
  2. YA SATIRE! Letters are lookin mad flavourfull these days G...hope alls well...get out an paint that shit! \something new from me im itchin to paint, trying to simplify and work on my connections alot more lately... crits more than welcome lovin alot of whats being posted in these forums lately..alot of nice character pieces too...I wanna see some of these painted!
  3. Not much graffiti...havent had a camera in a long time and also been slackin on sketching alot lately but i got into this thing and poured everything i had into it...lemme know what you think...peace alot of nice sketches in here..
  4. not really graffiti , but something i've been fuckin around with lately to keep tha creative juices flowing...Duke made me get on this actually....been contemplating it alot lately...its for something in tha near future
  5. heres a couple bangers from the early 2000's...round 02-03 i'd say post up some oldies to show how garbage your shit looked back in tha day you fucks heres one from around 96-97ish...says Maintain.I actually never coloured it, it was just an outline but my younger brother thought he'd colour it a couple years back an throw it up on his wall where it has lived ever since...its funny, he actually threw up his tag ontop of all these old sketches of mine to steal em...seen he had em posted around his room so since i got nothin new i've been workin on , figured i'd post up some old sketches to show some sort of progression
  6. fuckin bangers being turned out lately in here...im gonna have to get my shit together and figure out what im doing with my life.........good work on all tha latest posts.
  7. Vims...that shit is extremely inconsistent...one piece looks really on point, another looks like you had a stroke and couldnt remember what fly's an what doesnt... are some really old and some new? because if they're all from recently, i would have to say I notice some bullshit going on...
  8. Impressed with alot of tha sketches posted in here...BROKE , FOKS, BOLSAK ...Fuckin amazing style...That Casper 96shit is great as well...pure heart an soul feel to it...Keep bringin it guys Sat , great characters as always...and Weasel, i like where that style is going homie...build
  9. All old sketches..Havent found tha time to sketch lately 4 EazOne Broke as fuck 4 tha homie MEWT First attempt at graffiti back in '96 .... REVUE
  10. if your expecting it to look like its on the wall than no, the perspective is wrong...but if your just looking at it as an individualt piece than that shading is on point like a muther fucker ...
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