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Charlie Turner III

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Everything posted by Charlie Turner III

  1. IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0422823/
  2. is at that Drywall show at Tweed airport in 92?
  3. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha WTF!!!! great pic!!
  4. DJ set by Dooley O Tonight @ Chinese Rudy's!! (AKA Elm BAR)
  5. RIP ultimate respect due, great post
  6. there is some ct paintings in the feature film
  7. the tiny filled in sy on this is a synk from 1990, He had an excellent full color synk piece on that building near McDonalds in BPT which is now a legal wall or some shit. He also had a full giant Osha piece on that building if anyone has pictures of those or the Cease piece that is way in the background of this pic then please post them!! *the hollow S on the side of this pillar is the original CT Ser and not a Synk hollow
  8. there was also already a much more interesting synk from CT.. here is a piece he did 20 years ago that says Osha (the piece was giant so the whole thing is not in the photo, anyone from the new haven area may know the spot , if you back up to try and get a wide shot you would fall 15 feet down and into a disgusting river, Unfort. It also has some toy scribble scribbled on it)
  9. the smell of old ultra flat black krylon is even better than the smell of a new plastic toy
  10. You could still find all the good old stuff in CT up until 1995 or so, Hot Raspberry, Pastel Aqua, Sunset Orange, Daisy Yellow and aqua turquoise were 1$ a can at a long gone auto supply store on Whalley Ave. New Haven(another instance where a time machine would be helpful) I do not think you could call the people abusing fancy paints "art fags" .. "art fags" is more of a compliment like they have some artistic talent.
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