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Everything posted by TheseKidsObeyTOOMBS

  1. How did KM4RT edit that post^^^^?
  2. anyway, whos looking at the back?
  3. coal factory? I figured they tore the whole thing down by down post.bomber?
  4. SEAP, when he came to st.louis, that fool was popping x'-pills, dime hoe;s cherry's, xanax, oc, We had vip in the club, and the titty bar. fuck he was like that lil wyte song from the day dont know how he still found time to paint
  5. Man quit with all the LD reposts, dont you guys know they dont paint any more! they used to be hella god but they all fell off. FUCK! oohhh wait, thats all from this past week? oh well then, ummmm, that shit sucks then. ya, its not good at all.
  6. anyone catch those pak's on anthony bourdaine's "no reservation" Buncha hollows right at the beginning. He's travelling through the "rust belt"
  7. Sounds like someone has been kicking it with obces anyway, a lot of people deserve a lot of shit coming their way. But I dont wish death upon anyone respect to any and all of the fallen soldiers in and from the graff game
  8. and just cuz u havents seen it, doesnt mean its not in st.louis VATOE is real killer. Your daddy doesnt want beef with him, cuz he knows the 5 spots he has here will be ghost a long with anything elsehe does. VATOE has kinged multiple cities and still has more spots here than all u and ur homeis have put together
  9. Merk punching hookers aka ur mom. And taking his money back. Haha
  10. So tight to see Hence killing it around these parts again! Bringing back that old school funk. These is when its time to just sit back, and take notes, while i take tokes of the marijuana smoke. **i hate when there is talk without posting flicks, ill make up for all the jibber jabber with some flickage soon. or at the very least stop posting until i have something nice to look at to add.
  11. tight to see shovr mixing it up, kinda generic, but still killing 90% of whats in stl right now
  12. chief took some obc outlines, and was the best work hes ever done, so dont act like cto is above anyone and if he woulda done ;em right, his shit woulda been even better. beef to the walls? dont know what ur talking about there? its never been like that. pm me if you wanna have a heart to heart about it.
  13. bitter, jaded, mad, etc. you can use a thesaurus, im proud. Missing the old days? Im not old enough to even know the old days. Just know the difference between what ive seen from the past and what i see now a days. also compared to the old stuff that would still be running if it wasnt for the new jacks putting crap over old-school burners. If you suck, dont go over others, dont bomb the streets, no one wants to see that, and you make graff a bigger priority for the city to buff and prosecute, when there is crap everywhere, compared to burners done by pros, in good spots. Jughead, keep trying to school kids over the internet, cuz thats the only place you'll ever have a fourm to speak this garbage, and have some dumbass little kids believe in you.
  14. haha, jugz you continuously show how much you suck at life. if your not good at graf dont do it dont encourage these kids to keep ruining the scene. if your not good at graf keep it in your moms back yard fool
  15. Just saying your a king on the internet doesnt make it true REALITY, its a bitch when your trying to live in a fantasy Keep writting your name over and over on the internet, It;s a lot easier than actually going out and hitting spots. And you might actually get the attention your mother never gave you
  16. KINGS? Having two throwies, at the same spot? Doesnt make you a king Bombing, Piecing, Traveling, All required before you can even be in consideration for that kinda status
  17. ya, get it straight fool hes a DAYWALKER
  18. ^^ Monet, is one of my all time favorite painters too! haha, FAIL and if you dont know stun, keep his name out your mouf, you know what, even if you do know him, shut the fuck up already If you live/paint in st.louis the only thing that needs to be said about/to him is, THANK YOU.
  20. who? do those guys even paint in MO? I guess internet ups is better than no ups???? And Im pretty sure Ive seen LD rep LOWLIFE dropouts before Toughest Kids Online Taking Known Orders Talking Klowns Online These Kids Obeying,,, Toombs The Kindest Ovaries Taking Kinks Onslaught True KIDS Only Toombers Kids Orgies Trying Koze's Outlines
  21. i didnt see anyone you just bumped posted in the last 5 pages. well maybe one. and do you really think the very small amount of good tko;s left really want to be associated with ofb? cuz i doubt baer, koze, (of course kenr and tlok) and ummm i cant think of anyone else thats good and still in tko would ever put up a tkofb. but prove me wrong. i love being wrong, it just feels right.
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